
Async in-memory that sets the interface for a number of uber-* caching engine: Memcached, Redis, MongoDB, LevelDB

uber-cache - Async caching module with compatible backend options

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Uber Cache ensures you have a consistent cache interface regardless of the caching engine. All caching engines support TTL and LRU and have a async/callback style interface. This means you can easily implement your own engines without changing the interface in your application.


npm install uber-cache


An async interface due to the evented IO of the storage engines so it is necessary to use a callback style when manipulating the cache.

var ttlInMilliseconds = 1
  , someData = { some: 'data' }

cache.set('some-key', someData, ttlInMilliseconds, function(error, cachedItem) {
  if (error) {
    // Handle the error
    return false

  console.log('Cache written key:' + cachedItem.key + ' value:' + cachedItem.value)

// Later that day, but before the TTL.
cache.get('some-key', function(error, cachedItem) {
  if (error) {
   // Handle the error
    return false

  console.log('Cache from key:' + cachedItem.key + ' value:' + cachedItem.value)



  • set(key, value, ttl, callback)

    ttl milliseconds until expiry. Optional

  • get(key, callback)

  • delete(key, callback)

  • clear(callback)

  • size(callback)

  • dump(callback)


  • miss(key)

    Emitted when a get(key) fails to find a valid cached item with that key.

  • hit(key, value, ttl)

    Emitted when a get(key) finds a valid item in the cache.

  • stale(key, value, ttl)

    Emitted when a get(key) can’t find a valid item but a stale item still exists.


The uber-cache engines are decoupled from the main project. Unlike other modules that force you to install dependencies for things you not going to use, Uber Cache engines are self contained modules that you also include into your project that all have the same interface as this module.

Currently the following engines are available:


Paul Serby follow me on twitter


Licensed under the New BSD License

npm i uber-cache


  • BSD*
  • >=0.10
  • Paul Serby
  • released 10/8/2019

