
TSLint config, applies angular 2 style guide
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Welcome to the most strict tslint config ever

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  • contains all rules explicitly
  • almost all rules enabled

Before install

Check version of your code editor, highly recommended to use latest version.

If you use angular-cli:

  • check that you have latest version, at least 1.0.2, and local and global versions of cli are the same.
  • disable ts lint for polyfill.ts and test.ts(in src folder). Add /* tslint:disable */ at the beginning. For more info: https://palantir.github.io/tslint/usage/rule-flags/


  1. Install package
npm install -D tslint-config-valorsoft
  • check install log for errors and warnings about wrong versions of required packages (tslint, codelyzer etc.)
  • if needed install or update required packages
  • Example. You can have this situation in the end of log after installing:
npm WARN [email protected] requires a peer of codelyzer@^3.0.0 but none was installed.
npm WARN [email protected] requires a peer of tslint@^5.1.0 but none was installed.

It means that you have to update codelyzer and tslint to ^3.0.0 and ^5.1.0 versions (or higher).

  1. Edit your tslint.json:
  • add "extends": "tslint-config-valorsoft" or "extends": ["tslint-config-valorsoft", "tslint-config-valorsoft/tslint-angular.json"], for angular projects at the beginning, before rulesDirectory
  • remove all rules inside "rules" object
  • add your custom rules
  • add rules with editable shortname of your project.
"component-selector": [true, "element", "MP", "kebab-case"],
"directive-selector": [true, "attribute", "MP", "camelCase"],
"pipe-naming": [true, "camelCase", "MP"]

Note: MP is a placeholder, it is your prefix for components. If you don't need it you should change MP to empty string - [true, "camelCase", ""]


// tslint.json
  "extends": ["tslint-config-valorsoft", "tslint-config-valorsoft/tslint-angular.json"],
  "rulesDirectory": "node_modules/codelyzer",

  "rules": {
    // your customization
    // ADD THIS RULES TO YOUR `tslint.json`
    // AND CHANGE `MP` with short name of your project
    "directive-selector": [true, "attribute", "MP", "camelCase"],
    "component-selector": [true, "element", "MP", "kebab-case"],
    "pipe-naming": [true, "camelCase", "MP"]

After install

Setup lint command:

  • add --type-check parameter to lint command in package.json. Example: "lint": "ng lint --type-check";

Note: If you have warning Warning: Cannot read property 'some' of undefined after running tslint, update codelyzer and tslint to latest versions. For now they are codelyzer@^3.0.1 and tslint@^5.2.0

You could configure:


  • no-parameter-properties because it is very convenient to use constructor(private inject:Service)
  • no-null-keyword null should be used to clean references
  • no-require-imports - require is sometimes useful
  • object-literal-sort-keys not really useful
  • completed-docs forcing writing a docs, usually leads to low or harmful copy paste style documentation
  • file-header up to you
  • no-parameter-properties reading the docs is the best way to avoid confusion
  • prefer-for-of bad performance
  • prefer-object-spread bad performance
  • no-magic-numbers up to you