
An extensible static analysis linter for the TypeScript language
cli typescript linter

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An extensible linter for the TypeScript language.

TSLint supports:

Table of Contents


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npm install -g tslint typescript


npm install tslint typescript

Peer dependencies

typescript is a peer dependency of tslint. This allows you to update the compiler independently from the linter. This also means that tslint will have to use the same version of tsc used to actually compile your sources.

Breaking changes in the latest dev release of typescript@next might break something in the linter if we haven't built against that release yet. If this happens to you, you can try:

  1. picking up tslint@next, which may have some bugfixes not released in tslint@latest (see release notes here).
  2. rolling back typescript to a known working version.


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Please ensure that the TypeScript source files compile correctly before running the linter.


TSLint is configured via a file named tslint.json. This file is loaded from the current path, or the user's home directory, in that order.

The configuration file specifies which rules are enabled and their options. These configurations may extend other ones via the "extends" field in tslint.json.

   * Possible values:
   * - the name of a built-in config
   * - the name of an NPM module which has a "main" file that exports a config object
   * - a relative path to a JSON file
  "extends": "tslint:latest",
  "rules": {
     * Any rules specified here will override those from the base config we are extending.
    "curly": true
  "jsRules": {
     * Any rules specified here will override those from the base config we are extending.
    "curly": true
  "rulesDirectory": [
     * A list of relative or absolute paths to directories that contain custom rules.
     * See the Custom Rules documentation below for more details.

Built-in configs include tslint:latest and tslint:recommended. You may inspect their source here.

tslint:recommended is a stable, somewhat opinionated set of rules which we encourage for general TypeScript programming. This configuration follows semver, so it will not have breaking changes across minor or patch releases.

tslint:latest extends tslint:recommended and is continuously updated to include configuration for the latest rules in every TSLint release. Using this config may introduce breaking changes across minor releases as new rules are enabled which cause lint failures in your code. When TSLint reaches a major version bump, tslint:recommended will be updated to be identical to tslint:latest.

See the core rules list below for descriptions of all the rules.


usage: tslint [options] file ...


-c, --config          configuration file
-e, --exclude         exclude globs from path expansion
--fix                 fixes linting errors for select rules (this may overwrite linted files)
--force               return status code 0 even if there are lint errors
-h, --help            display detailed help
-i, --init            generate a tslint.json config file in the current working directory
-o, --out             output file
--project             tsconfig.json file
-r, --rules-dir       rules directory
-s, --formatters-dir  formatters directory
-t, --format          output format (prose, json, stylish, verbose, pmd, msbuild, checkstyle, vso, fileslist)  [default: "prose"]
--test                test that tslint produces the correct output for the specified directory
--type-check          enable type checking when linting a project
-v, --version         current version

tslint accepts the following command-line options:

-c, --config:
    The location of the configuration file that tslint will use to
    determine which rules are activated and what options to provide
    to the rules. If no option is specified, the config file named
    tslint.json is used, so long as it exists in the path.
    The format of the file is { rules: { /* rules list */ } },
    where /* rules list */ is a key: value comma-separated list of
    rulename: rule-options pairs. Rule-options can be either a
    boolean true/false value denoting whether the rule is used or not,
    or a list [boolean, ...] where the boolean provides the same role
    as in the non-list case, and the rest of the list are options passed
    to the rule that will determine what it checks for (such as number
    of characters for the max-line-length rule, or what functions to ban
    for the ban rule).

-e, --exclude:
    A filename or glob which indicates files to exclude from linting.
    This option can be supplied multiple times if you need multiple
    globs to indicate which files to exclude.

    Fixes linting errors for select rules. This may overwrite linted files.

    Return status code 0 even if there are any lint errors.
    Useful while running TSLint via an npm script.

-i, --init:
    Generates a tslint.json config file in the current working directory.

-o, --out:
    A filename to output the results to. By default, tslint outputs to
    stdout, which is usually the console where you're running it from.

-r, --rules-dir:
    An additional rules directory, for user-created rules.
    tslint will always check its default rules directory, in
    node_modules/tslint/lib/rules, before checking the user-provided
    rules directory, so rules in the user-provided rules directory
    with the same name as the base rules will not be loaded.

-s, --formatters-dir:
    An additional formatters directory, for user-created formatters.
    Formatters are files that will format the tslint output, before
    writing it to stdout or the file passed in --out. The default
    directory, node_modules/tslint/build/formatters, will always be
    checked first, so user-created formatters with the same names
    as the base formatters will not be loaded.

-t, --format:
    The formatter to use to format the results of the linter before
    outputting it to stdout or the file passed in --out. The core
    formatters are prose (human readable), json (machine readable)
    and verbose. prose is the default if this option is not used.
    Other built-in options include pmd, msbuild, checkstyle, and vso.
    Additional formatters can be added and used if the --formatters-dir
    option is set.

    Runs tslint on matched directories and checks if tslint outputs
    match the expected output in .lint files. Automatically loads the
    tslint.json files in the directories as the configuration file for
    the tests. See the full tslint documentation for more details on how
    this can be used to test custom rules.

    The location of a tsconfig.json file that will be used to determine which
    files will be linted.

    Enables the type checker when running linting rules. --project must be
    specified in order to enable type checking.

-v, --version:
    The current version of tslint.

-h, --help:
    Prints this help message.


import { Linter, Configuration } from "tslint";
import * as fs from "fs";

const fileName = "Specify input file name";
const configurationFilename = "Specify configuration file name";
const options = {
    formatter: "json",
    rulesDirectory: "customRules/",
    formattersDirectory: "customFormatters/"

const fileContents = fs.readFileSync(fileName, "utf8");
const linter = new Linter(options);
const configLoad = Configuration.findConfiguration(configurationFilename, filename);
const result = linter.lint(fileName, fileContents, configLoad.results);

Type Checking

To enable rules that work with the type checker, a TypeScript program object must be passed to the linter when using the programmatic API. Helper functions are provided to create a program from a tsconfig.json file. A project directory can be specified if project files do not lie in the same directory as the tsconfig.json file.

const program = Linter.createProgram("tsconfig.json", "projectDir/");
const files = Linter.getFileNames(program);
const results = files.map(file => {
    const fileContents = program.getSourceFile(file).getFullText();
    const linter = new Linter(file, fileContents, options, program);
    return linter.lint();

When using the CLI, the --project flag will automatically create a program from the specified tsconfig.json file. Adding --type-check then enables rules that require the type checker.

Core Rules

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Rules encode logic for syntactic & semantic checks of TypeScript source code.

[See the TSLint website for a list of core rules included in the tslint package.] (http://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/)

Core Formatters

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Formatters allow for transformation of lint results into various forms before outputting to stdout or a file.

[See the TSLint website for a list of core formatters included in the tslint package.] (http://palantir.github.io/tslint/formatters/)

Rule Flags

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You may enable/disable TSLint or a subset of rules within certain lines of a file with the following comment rule flags:

  • /* tslint:disable */ - Disable all rules for the rest of the file
  • /* tslint:enable */ - Enable all rules for the rest of the file
  • /* tslint:disable:rule1 rule2 rule3... */ - Disable the listed rules for the rest of the file
  • /* tslint:enable:rule1 rule2 rule3... */ - Enable the listed rules for the rest of the file
  • // tslint:disable-next-line - Disables all rules for the following line
  • someCode(); // tslint:disable-line - Disables all rules for the current line
  • // tslint:disable-next-line:rule1 rule2 rule3... - Disables the listed rules for the next line
  • etc.

Rules flags enable or disable rules as they are parsed. Disabling an already disabled rule or enabling an already enabled rule has no effect.

For example, imagine the directive /* tslint:disable */ on the first line of a file, /* tslint:enable:ban class-name */ on the 10th line and /* tslint:enable */ on the 20th. No rules will be checked between the 1st and 10th lines, only the ban and class-name rules will be checked between the 10th and 20th, and all rules will be checked for the remainder of the file.

Custom Rules

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Custom rule sets from Palantir

Custom rule sets from the community

If we don't have all the rules you're looking for, you can either write your own custom rules or use custom rules that others have developed. The repos below are a good source of custom rules:

Writing custom rules

TSLint ships with a set of core rules that can be configured. However, users are also allowed to write their own rules, which allows them to enforce specific behavior not covered by the core of TSLint. TSLint's internal rules are itself written to be pluggable, so adding a new rule is as simple as creating a new rule file named by convention. New rules can be written in either TypeScript or JavaScript; if written in TypeScript, the code must be compiled to JavaScript before invoking TSLint.

Let us take the example of how to write a new rule to forbid all import statements (you know, for science). Let us name the rule file noImportsRule.ts. Rules are referenced in tslint.json with their kebab-cased identifer, so "no-imports": true would configure the rule.

Important conventions:

  • Rule identifiers are always kebab-cased.
  • Rule files are always camel-cased (camelCasedRule.ts).
  • Rule files must contain the suffix Rule.
  • The exported class must always be named Rule and extend from Lint.Rules.AbstractRule.

Now, let us first write the rule in TypeScript:

import * as ts from "typescript";
import { Rules, RuleFailure, RuleWalker } from "tslint";

export class Rule extends Rules.AbstractRule {
    public static FAILURE_STRING = "import statement forbidden";

    public apply(sourceFile: ts.SourceFile): RuleFailure[] {
        return this.applyWithWalker(new NoImportsWalker(sourceFile, this.getOptions()));

// The walker takes care of all the work.
class NoImportsWalker extends RuleWalker {
    public visitImportDeclaration(node: ts.ImportDeclaration) {
        // create a failure at the current position
        this.addFailure(this.createFailure(node.getStart(), node.getWidth(), Rule.FAILURE_STRING));

        // call the base version of this visitor to actually parse this node

Given a walker, TypeScript's parser visits the AST using the visitor pattern. So the rule walkers only need to override the appropriate visitor methods to enforce its checks. For reference, the base walker can be found in syntaxWalker.ts.

We still need to hook up this new rule to TSLint. First make sure to compile noImportsRule.ts:

tsc --noImplicitAny noImportsRule.ts

Then, if using the CLI, provide the directory that contains this rule as an option to --rules-dir. If using TSLint as a library or via grunt-tslint, the options hash must contain "rulesDirectory": "...". If you run the linter, you'll see that we have now successfully banned all import statements via TSLint!

Finally, enable each custom rule in your tslint.json config file config file.

Final notes:

  • Core rules cannot be overwritten with a custom implementation.
  • Custom rules can also take in options just like core rules (retrieved via this.getOptions()).

Custom Formatters

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Just like rules, additional formatters can also be supplied to TSLint via --formatters-dir on the CLI or formattersDirectory option on the library or grunt-tslint. Writing a new formatter is simpler than writing a new rule, as shown in the JSON formatter's code.

import * as ts from "typescript";
import { Formatters, RuleFailure } from "tslint";

export class Formatter extends Formatters.AbstractFormatter {
    public format(failures: RuleFailure[]): string {
        var failuresJSON = failures.map((failure: RuleFailure) => failure.toJson());
        return JSON.stringify(failuresJSON);

Such custom formatters can also be written in JavaScript. Formatter files are always named with the suffix Formatter and the exported class within the file must be named Formatter. A formatter is referenced from TSLint without its suffix.


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  • node v7
  • yarn v0.18

Quick Start

git clone [email protected]:palantir/tslint.git --config core.autocrlf=input --config core.eol=lf
yarn install
yarn compile
yarn test

next branch

The next branch of this repo tracks the latest TypeScript compiler nightly release as a peerDependency. This allows you to develop the linter and its rules against the latest features of the language. Releases from this branch are published to NPM with the next dist-tag, so you may install the latest dev version of TSLint via npm install tslint@next.

Creating a new release

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  1. Bump the version number in package.json and src/tslintMulti.ts
  2. Add release notes in CHANGELOG.md
  3. yarn verify to build the latest sources
  4. Commit with message Prepare release <version>
  5. Run npm publish
  6. Create a git tag for the new release and push it (see existing tags here)
npm i ts-lint


