
Transformime that returns React components


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Transforms MIMEtype+data to pure React Elements.

Optimus MIME


npm install transformime-react

Note that react and immutable are peer dependencies; you'll need to install those as well if they're not in your project (hint: they're definitely needed to make this package useful at all).

npm install [email protected] [email protected]


import { richestMimetype, transforms } from 'transformime-react';
import Immutable from 'immutable';

// Jupyter style MIME bundle
const bundle = new Immutable.Map({
  'text/plain': 'This is great',

// Find out which mimetype is the richest
const mimetype = richestMimetype(bundle); 

// Get the matching React.Component for that mimetype
let Transform = transforms.get(mimetype);

// Create a React element
return <Transform data={bundle.get(mimetype)} />;

which will return:

<img src='' />

as a React element. It chose 'image/png' as richer than 'text/plain' for representation.

Override the default transforms and display order

const myOrder = Immutable.List(['text/plain', 'image/png']);

const CodeAsText = React.createClass({
  render: function() {
    return (

const myTransforms = transforms.set('text/plain', CodeAsText);

const mimetype = richestMimetype(bundle, myOrder, myTransforms); 
Transform = myTransforms.get(mimetype);

return <Transform data={bundle.get(mimetype)} />;

Using the bundle from above, we'll get back:

<code>This is great</code>
npm i transformime-react

