
Javascript library that maps html forms to complex objects and vice versa
transform form serialize deserialize clear submit html javascript


Javascript library for manipulating html forms. It's goal is to easily transform html forms to structured javascript objects and vice versa.



Just add transForm.js to your HTML page like this

<script src="transForm.js"></script>

Then use the transForm namespace to use the awesome!

Install with bower

bower install --save trans-form

Add the source to the HTML:

<script src="bower_components/trans-form/dist/transForm.min.js"></script>


Basic example:

<form id="transform">
  <input name="test" value="transform">

Pass a query string or an HTMLElement to any of the functions. The parent element can be any element but .submit() will only work with <form> elements.

var obj = transForm.serialize('#transform');

Variable obj now holds this object:

{ test: 'transform' }

To deserialize this object into the form use the same structure

transForm.deserialize('#transform', obj);

Using the . delimiter, one can specify an object inside the result object. Other structures:

<form id="transform">
    <input name="" value="Thom Bakker">
    <input name="person[job]" value="Programmer">
    <input name="person.hobbies[]" type="checkbox" value="Programming" checked>
    <input name="person.hobbies[]" type="checkbox" value="Gaming">
    <input name="person.address[0].street" value="Inspirationstreet">
    <input name="person.address[1].street" value="Objectionlane">
    <input name="t.r.a.n.s.f.o.r.m" value="foo">


  person: {
    name: 'Thom Bakker',
    job: 'Programmer',
    hobbies: [
    address: [{
      street: 'Inspirationstreet'
      street: 'Objectionlane'
  t:{r:{a:{n:{s:{f:{o:{r:{m: 'foo' }}}}}}}}

To ignore an input, select or textarea you can add the ignore data attribute like this:

<input name="ignoreme" data-transform-ignore />


This project is inspired by maxatwork/form2js.
transForm is even compatible with the object notation of form2js/js2form. transForm is a more flexible & faster library build for HTML5.



Serializes all child inputs from any HTML element to a JavaScript object


  • parentElement - Can be a HTMLElement or a querySelector string
  • options - An object containing the serialize options
  • nodeCallback - Function that will be executed for every input (param: input, entry). Return the entry { name, value } object where the name is the property string of the resulting object & the value is any value (Ex: { name: 'text.input', value: true } results in { text: { input: true } } ).


<form id="myForm">
  <input name="test" value="transform">

var myFormObject = transForm.serialize('#myForm');
console.log(myFormObject.test); //'transform'


Deserializes a JavaScript object or a valid JSON string to the child inputs from any HTML element


  • parentElement - Can be a HTMLElement or a querySelector string
  • data - The object that needs to be deserialized
  • options - An object containing the deserialize options
  • nodeCallback - Function that will be executed for every input (params: input, value) return a truthy value (Ex: return true) to skip deserializing that input, return nothing to apply the default deserialization.


<form id="myForm">
  <input name="test">

transForm.deserialize('#myForm', { test: 'transform' });


Clears the value of all child inputs from any HTML element. Selects & Radio's will be defaulted to the first option.


  • parentElement - Can be a HTMLElement or a querySelector string
  • options - An object containing the clear options




Submits a form element which triggers the submit event of the form. You can programmatically trigger the HTML5 validation of the form by passing true as 2nd param, this creates a button on the fly when there is no submit button inside the form.


  • parentElement - Can be a HTMLElement or a querySelector string
  • HTML5Submit - HTML5 validation triggers only on submit button click, if there is no submit button it will create one (destroyed afterwards).


transForm.submit('#myForm', true);


Overrides the default options in the transForm instance.


  • defaults - An object containing the default options


//These are the current defaults
  delimiter: '.', //The delimiter seperates the object keys (serialize, deserialize)
  skipDisabled: true, //Skip inputs that are disabled (serialize, deserialize, clear)
  skipReadOnly: false, //Skip inputs that are readonly (serialize, deserialize, clear)
  skipFalsy: false, //Skip inputs that have falsy values (0, false, null, undefined, '') (serialize)
  useIdOnEmptyName: false, //If an input has no name attribute it will fallback to its id attribute (serialize, deserialize)
  triggerChange: false, //Fires the change listener for every field when deserializing (even if the value is not changed) (deserialize)


  • Npm for automated
    • Distribution
    • Unit tests
    • Code coverage
  • Online examples / docs

Browser support

Supports >=IE9 and latest versions of modern browsers.

npm i trans-form


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • A1rPun
  • released 8/28/2017

