
route handlers to use in your REST API to handle user management


route handlers to use in your REST API to handle user management

quick start

var township = require('township')
var db = require('memdb') // can be any levelup e.g. level-party or level
var config = require('./your-config')
var ship = township(db, config)

// now you can use `ship` to handle (req, res) route handlers

township just provides route handler functions so you can integrate auth routes into your web server of choice.

here's an example using the require('appa') REST server module

var memdb = require('memdb')
var createAppa = require('appa')
var township = require('township')
var config = require('./your-config')

var app = createAppa()
var db = memdb()
var ship = township(db, config)

app.on('/register', function (req, res, ctx) {
  // appa provides `ctx` for us in the way we want out of the box
  ship.register(req, res, ctx, function (err, respCode, data) {
    if (err) return app.error(res, respCode, err.message)
    app.send(res, respCode, data)

see also test-server.js


var township = require('township')

returns a constructor you can use to make multiple instances

var ship = township(db, config)

creates a new instance

db should be a levelup instance

config properties:

  • secret (String) - used with township-token
  • email (Object) - used to send emails with postmark
  • email.fromEmail (String) - from address
  • email.postmarkAPIKey (String)

ship.verify(req, cb)

given a request, decodes and verifies the token in the authorization header and calls cb with the result

pass req from your http server. the request is expected to have an Authorization: Bearer <token> header.

cb will be called with (error, decodedToken, rawToken).

error will be called if the token is missing from the request or had a problem being verified

decodedToken is a JS object with the result of jwt.verify.

rawToken is a string containing the encoded token value received from the request header

ship.register(req, res, ctx, cb)

registers a new user. pass req, res from your http server.

ctx should be an object with:

  • body (Object) - the POST JSON body as a parsed Object
  • (String)
  • body.password (String)

cb is called with (err, newToken)

ship.login(req, res, ctx, cb)

returns a token for an existing user

ctx should be an object with:

  • body (Object) - the POST JSON body as a parsed Object
  • (String)
  • body.password (String)

cb is called with (err, token)

ship.updatePassword(req, res, ctx, cb)

changes a users password, invalidates old token and issues new token

ctx should be an object with:

  • body (Object) - the POST JSON body as a parsed Object
  • (String)
  • body.password (String)
  • body.newPassword (String)

cb is called with (err, newToken)

npm i township


  • ISC
  • Whatever
  • Max Ogden
  • released 1/20/2017
