
A Object->TOML encoder/converter only for TOML v0.4.0
toml tomlify stringify encoder ini toml-j0.4


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As its name TOMLify-j0.4 says, this is a TOML v0.4.0 compliant encoder. (JavaScript Object -> TOML text)

Live Demo

You can see the result from tomlify-j0.4 in the debug console of your browser.

The parser used in the demo is toml-j0.4


You can install it via npm install tomlify-j0.4, or just include the script tomlify.js or dist/tomlify.min.js in your web pages.

var tomlify = require('tomlify-j0.4');

var table = {
    about: {
        name: 'tomlify-j0.4',
        maintainers: ['Jak Wings'],
        todos: [
                done: false,
                priority: 'important',
                text: 'Add some test scripts.'
                done: true,
                priority: 'normal',
                text: 'Open source this project.'
    more: {
        version: [2, 0, 0],
        date: new Date('2017-04-14T00:08:00+08:00')

try {
    var text = tomlify.toToml(table, {space: 2});  // indent with 2 spaces
    /* OUTPUT:
     * [about]
     * name = "tomlify-j0.4"
     * maintainers = [
     *   "Jak Wings"
     * ]
     *   [[about.todos]]
     *   done = false
     *   priority = "important"
     *   text = "Add some test scripts."
     *   [[about.todos]]
     *   done = true
     *   priority = "normal"
     *   text = "Open source this project."
     * [more]
     * version = [
     *   2.0,
     *   0.0,
     *   0.0
     * ]
     * date = 2017-04-13T16:08:00.000Z
    var text = tomlify.toToml(table, {
        space: '  ',
        replace: function (key, value) {
            var context = this;
            var path = tomlify.toKey(context.path);
            if (/^more\.version\.\[\d+\]$/.test(path)) {
                return value.toFixed(0);  // Change the text transformed from the value.
            if (context.path[0] === 'about' &&
                context.path[1] === 'todos' &&
                context.path[2] === 1) {
                return null;  // Drop one table from the todo array.
            return false;  // Let tomlify decide for you.
    /* OUTPUT:
     * [about]
     * name = "tomlify-j0.4"
     * maintainers = [
     *   "Jak Wings"
     * ]
     *   [[about.todos]]
     *   done = false
     *   priority = "important"
     *   text = "Add some test scripts."
     * [more]
     * version = [
     *   2,
     *   0,
     *   0
     * ]
     * date = 2017-04-13T16:08:00.000Z
    var text = tomlify.toToml({
        null: null,
        undefined: undefined,
        numbers: [1, 2, null, , 3, 4]
    /* OUTPUT:
     * numbers = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]
} catch (err) {
    // do something


tomlify.toToml(table, options)

Use it to transform a table object into TOML text.

  • table: must be an object other than an instance of Array or Date.

    By default, all numbers are transformed into floats and arrays of numbers will become arrays of floats. And null or undefined in an array or object property whose value is null or undefined will be ignored. You can change this behavior through options.replace.

  • options.replace - {function(this: Context, key: String|Number, value:Mixed): Mixed}:

    The function used to change the default text output.

    • @this {Context}:
      • @property {Array.<String|Number>} path: The key path to current value.
      • @property {Table|Array} table: The direct parent object.
    • @param {String|Number} key: The key of the value in current parent object.
    • @param {Mixed} value: The current value.
    • @return {Mixed} A string to change the value output, false to cancel, null or undefined to remove the output.
  • - {String|Number}:

    Specify the padding string for indentation.

    If it is a non-negative integer N, then use N space " " for indentation. If it is a string, then use this string for indentation. Otherwise, no indentation will be performed.

  • options.sort - {function(a: String, b: String): Number}:

    The compare function for sorting table keys.

    It is used for Array.prototype.sort().

tomlify.toValue(value, options)

Just like tomlify.toToml(table, options), it is used to transform a value into TOML value for a key-value pair. value cannot be null or undefined.

However, an inline-table always fits into one line, no matter what it contains.


tomlify.toValue({one: 1, two: 2});
//=> {one = 1.0, two = 2.0}

tomlify.toValue(["apple", "banana"], {space: 2});
//  "apple",
//  "banana"

  {people: ["Alice", "Bob"]},
  {fruits: ["apple", "banana"]}
], {space: 2});
//  {people = ["Alice", "Bob"]},
//  {fruits = ["apple", "banana"]}

tomlify.toKey(path, alternative)

  • path - {String|Array.<String|Number>}: A key or a key path.
  • alternative - {Boolean}: Whether numbers in the key path will be ignored.

Use it to get a TOML key or key path for the key-value pair. E.g.

tomlify.toKey('money');  //=> money
tomlify.toKey('$');      //=> "$"

tomlify.toKey(['sir', 'Mr. Smith']);        //=> sir."Mr. Smith"
tomlify.toKey(['food', 0, 'price']);        //=> food.[0].price
tomlify.toKey(['food', 0, 'price'], true);  //=> food.price

Known Problems

  • JavaScript does not have any integer type.

    All numbers are floats in JavaScript. Any integer bigger than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER (9007199254740991 < 2^63 - 1) or smaller than Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER (-9007199254740991 > -(2^63 - 1)) is not safe when being converted or used as a pure integer! You should store big integers in strings.

    All numbers are transformed into floats by default. You can change this behavior by using a replacer function with tomlify-j0.4.

npm i tomlify-j0.4


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Jak Wings
  • released 11/1/2017

