
Convert between plain text, javascript strings, and document.write() statements.
cli json string converter document.write javascript js


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tojs lets you convert between plain text, javascript strings, and document.write() statements.

It's original purpose, was to read in an .html file, and output it as a series of document.write() statements. This is useful when creating bookmarklets. You can code your .html page, then run tojs on it. Now all your bookmarklet has to do is include a script tag that points to the file you created with tojs.

Since version 1.2.0, tojs was converted to a node.js project, and now supports a few different input/output formats. To see the new options, check out the Usage and Options sections below.


npm install -g tojs


tojs [options] <input_filenames>
tojs [options] <input_filenames> > <output_filename>
echo -e "one\ntwo\nthree" | tojs [options]


-h, --help           output usage information
-v, --version        output the version number
-i, --input [type]   The type of input [plain|js|jsvar|docwrite]
-o, --output [type]  The type of input [plain|js|jsvar|docwrite]
-n, --name [name]    If output is "jsvar", this is the variable name
--oneline            Force output to be on one line only
--single-quotes      Use single-quotes instead of double-quotes for output
--no-var             var keyword will not be included in output
--no-open   will not be included in output
--no-close           document.close() will not be included in output

Version History

v1.2.0 (Released December 27, 2012)

  • converting to a node.js project so installation instructions have changed

  • command line options have changed

  • now supports the following input/output types:

    • plain

    • js

    • jsvar

    • docwrite

  • can now pipe data from stdin or use a list of files as input (similar to the unix cat command)

v1.1.0 (Released November 5, 2012)

  • fixing formatting of help text

  • adding 2 new command line options

    • -o | --no-open -- don't print the statement

    • -c | --no-close -- don't print the document.close() statement

v1.0.0 (Released November 4, 2012)

  • Initial Release
npm i tojs


