
Toastr for Angular 2
ng2 angular2 alert toast toastr toasts toastr-ng2 notifications ngModule and 1 more...


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  • No use of *ngFor. Fewer dirty checks and higher performance.
  • Component inheritance for custom toasts
  • angular-cli AoT compilation and lazy loading compatible
  • SystemJS rollup bundle
  • Automatic Toast component injection based on @angular2-material/core/overlay
  • Animations using angular 2's Web Animations API (pollyfill needed for older devices)
  • Target a specific directive with toasts


npm install toastr-ng2 --save


step 1: copy toast css to your project. If you are using sass you can import the css.

@import 'node_modules/toastr-ng2/toastr';

If you are using angular-cli you can add it to your angular-cli.json

"styles": [

step 2: add ToastrModule to app NgModule

import { ToastrModule } from 'toastr-ng2';
import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';

  imports: [
    ToastrModule.forRoot(), // ToastrModule added
  bootstrap: [App],
  declarations: [App],
class MainModule {}



import { ToastrService } from 'toastr-ng2';
export class YourComponent {
  constructor(private toastrService: ToastrService) {}
  showSuccess() {
    this.toastrService.success('Hello world!', 'Toastr fun!');



There's global options and individual toast options. All individual toast options are included in the global options. See file toastr-config.ts The toastComponent can be inherited and modified. See the pink toast in the demo. It has a different animation and inline style.

ToastrConfig (Global Options)

maxOpened: number = 0; // max toasts opened. Toasts will be queued
autoDismiss: boolean = false; // dismiss current toast when max is reached
iconClasses = { // classes used on toastr service methods
  error: 'toast-error',
  info: 'toast-info',
  success: 'toast-success',
  warning: 'toast-warning',
newestOnTop: boolean = true; // new toast placement
preventDuplicates: boolean = false; // block duplicate messages

ToastConfig (Individual Toast options)

toastComponent = Toast; // the angular 2 component that will be used
closeButton: boolean = false; // show close button
timeOut: number = 5000; // time to live
enableHtml: boolean = false; // allow html in message. (UNSAFE)
extendedTimeOut: number = 1000; // time to close after a user hovers over toast
progressBar: boolean = false; // show progress bar
toastClass: string = 'toast'; // class on toast
positionClass: string = 'toast-top-right'; // class on toast
titleClass: string = 'toast-title'; // class inside toast on title
messageClass: string = 'toast-message'; // class inside toast on message
tapToDismiss: boolean = true; // close on click
onActivateTick: boolean = false; // fire a ApplicationRef.tick() from the toast component when activated. Might help show the toast if you are firing it from a websocket

Override default settings

NEW FOR VERSION > 3 Option 1: Pass values to ToastrModule.forRoot

// your NgModule
imports: [
  ToastrModule.forRoot({timeOut: 0}),

Option 2: Inject ToastrConfig, typically in your root component, and customize the values.

import { ToastrConfig } from 'toastr-ng2';
import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'app-root',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
export class AppComponent {
  constructor(toastrConfig: ToastrConfig) {
    toastrConfig.timeOut = 100;

individual toast settings

success, error, info, warning take (message, title, ToastConfig) pass a ToastConfig object to replace several default settings.

// OPTIONAL: import the ToastConfig interface
import { ToastConfig } from 'toastr-ng2';

const errorConfig: ToastConfig = {timeOut: 10000};
this.toastrService.error('everything is broken', 'title is optional', errorConfig);

Toastr Service methods return:

export interface ActiveToast {
  toastId: number; // Your Toast ID. Use this to close it individually
  message: string; // the message of your toast. Stored for prevent duplicate reasons
  portal?: any; // a reference to the component see portal.ts
  toastRef?: ToastRef<any>;  // a reference to your toast
  onShown?: Observable<any>; // triggered when toast is active
  onHidden?: Observable<any>; // triggered when toast is destroyed
  onTap?: Observable<any>; // triggered on click

Toastr Service will return undefined if prevent duplicates is on.

Put toasts in your own container

Put toasts in a specific div inside your application. This should probably be somewhere that doesn't get deleted. Add ToastContainerModule.forRoot() to ngModule after the ToastrModule.forRoot() Add a div with toastContainer directive on it.

import { ToastContainerDirective } from 'toastr-ng2';
  selector: 'app-root',
  template: `<div toastContainer class="toast-top-right"></div>`,
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {

  @ViewChild(ToastContainerDirective) toastContainer: ToastContainerDirective;

  constructor(private toastrService: ToastrService) {}
  ngOnInit() {
    this.toastrService.overlayContainer = this.toastContainer;
    this.toastrService.success('in div');


If you are using SystemJS, you should also adjust your configuration to point to the UMD bundle.

In your systemjs config file, map needs to tell the System loader where to look for toastr-ng2:

map: {
  'toastr-ng2': 'node_modules/toastr-ng2/toastr.umd.js',

Previous Works

angular-toastr and the original toastr.




  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Unknown
  • released 11/11/2016

