
Simple and Performant Language detection library (pure JS and zero dependencies)
lang language language detection natural-language detect detector n-gram


npm npm CDN Download License


:tada: Description

Tiny Language Detector, simply detect the language of a unicode UTF-8 text:

  • Pure JS, No api call, No dependencies (Node and Browser compatible)
  • Blazing fast and low memory footprint (unlike ML methods)
  • Train with dataset from Tatoeba and UDHR
  • Support 62 languages (24 for the web version)
  • Reliable even for really short texts (chatbot, keywords, ...)
  • Support both ISO-639-1 & ISO-639-2
  • Available for NodeJS (CommonJS and ESM), Deno and Browser


:floppy_disk: Getting Started


yarn add tinyld # or npm install --save tinyld

Install Documentation

:page_facing_up: TinyLD API

import { detect, detectAll } from 'tinyld'

// Detect
detect('これは日本語です.') // ja
detect('and this is english.') // en

// DetectAll
detectAll('ceci est un text en francais.')
// [ { lang: 'fr', accuracy: 0.5238 }, { lang: 'ro', accuracy: 0.3802 }, ... ]

API Documentation

:paperclip: TinyLD CLI

tinyld This is the text that I want to check
# [ { lang: 'en', accuracy: 1 } ]

More Information

:chart_with_upwards_trend: Performance

Here is a comparison of Tinyld against other popular libraries.

SVG Graph

To summary in one sentence:

Better, Faster, Smaller

More Benchmark Information


You want to Contribute or Open a PR, it's recommend to take a look at the dev documentation


  • MIT
  • >= 12.10.0
  • Kevin Destrem
  • released 1/5/2022

