
A cli tool to get a list of times across 2 different timezones for easy checking
timezone-compare timezone compare calendar datetime gmt moment date time and 5 more...

$ timezone-compare

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:zap: Cli tool to get a list of times across 2 different timezones for easy checking.



:clipboard: Usage - ES6

import TimezoneCompare from 'timezone-compare';
const tz = new TimezoneCompare('IST', 'GMT');
const {times} = tz.getTimesAsStrings();
// [[IST times as strings][GMT times as strings]]

//const {times} = tz.getTimesAsMoments(); //If you need a 2d array of moments
// [[IST times as moments][GMT times as moments]]

:cloud: Usage - cli

$ npm install -g timezone-compare
$ timezone-compare
? Enter FROM timezone (America/New_York) IST
? Enter TO timezone (Europe/London) GMT

Available timezones

List of available timezones are here.

Note : Timezones are fetched from moment-timezone

Moment Timezone -- getting a list timezones

Other arbitrary timezones can be added to src/informalTimezones.js if needed.

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:scroll: License

MIT © Bhargav Ponnapalli

npm i timezone-compare


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Bhargav Ponnapalli
  • released 12/10/2016
