
Port of Doug Lea's TimeUnit Java class to JavaScript.
TimeUnit time conversion Doug Lea

TimeUnit js

TimeUnit is a port of Doug Lea's public domain TimeUnit Java class to JavaScript. It was ported from the backport-util-concurrent version. This class is the basis for java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit from JavaSE.

Ported by Jason Walton, released under the public domain.



A timeunit represents time durations at a given unit of granularity and provides utility methods to convert across units, and to perform delay operations in these units. A timeunit does not maintain time information, but only helps organize and use time representations that may be maintained separately across various contexts.

A timeunit is mainly used to inform time-based methods how a given timing parameter should be interpreted. Time units may be passed as constants to other methods:

wait(50, timeunit.seconds);

Or can be used to perform conversions, such as converting 5 seconds into 5000 milliseconds:

timeunit.seconds.toMilliseconds(5); // Returns 5000
timeunit.milliseconds.convert(5, timeunit.seconds); // Returns 5000

timeunit also define the very handy sleep() function, which schedules a function for future execution using setTimeout():

timeunit.seconds.sleep(5, function() {
    console.log("Hello after 5 seconds!");

Perhaps even more useful in CoffeeScript, where it is a little easier to use that setTimeout, since it follows the "callback at the end" idiom used by most node.js code:

timeunit.seconds.sleep 5, () ->
    console.log "Hello world"

As opposed to the somewhat less pretty:

setTimeout (()->
    console.log "Hello world"
), 5000

A nanosecond is defined as one thousandth of a microsecond, a microsecond as one thousandth of a millisecond, a millisecond as one thousandth of a second, a minute as sixty seconds, an hour as sixty minutes, and a day as twenty four hours.


timeunit uses UMD for it's module definition, so should work in node.js, in the browser (via the timeunit global), via AMD/Require.js and via browersify.


Install in node.js with:

npm install timeunit


Install with:

bower install timeunit
npm i timeunit


  • Unknown
  • >=0.6.19
  • Jason Walton
  • released 2/5/2014

