
THREE.js Model Loader that delegates to the appropriate geometry loader
threejs three-js graphics model geometry loader javascript


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THREE.js Model Loader for delegating to the appropriate geometry loader. Uses the file's extension to determine which THREE geometry loader to use.

Drag and drop example


var loader = new THREE.ModelLoader();

// overriding the getLoader function so loaders can be
// loaded as-needed
loader.getLoader = function( loaderName, manager, loadercb ) {

    function createLoader() {

        return new THREE[ loaderName ]( manager );


    if ( THREE[ loaderName ] == null ) {

        // fetch the loader script from the server and run it
        // if it's not already on the page
        fetch(`.../node_modules/three/examples/js/loaders/${ loaderName }.js`)
            .then(res => res.text())
            .then(tex => {

                eval( text );
                loadercb( createLoader() );


    } else {

        loadercb( createLoader() );



loader.load( '.../model.ply', res => {

    // res.model
    // res.originalResult
    // res.extension

} );


ModelLoader.load(path, onLoad, onProgress, onError, extOverride)

A function signature that mirrors all the THREE.js geometry loaders. An appriopriate loader is selected based on the file name.

If extOverride is set, then that extension is used to select the loader.

onLoad is passed an object with values

    model,         // THREE.js Object3D, Group, or Mesh that was loaded
    extension,     // The extension of the model that was loaded
    originalResult // The original result that the loader returned
ModelLoader.parse(data, ext, onLoad, onError)

Takes the data to parse into geometry and the associated file extension in ext.

The model is returned asynchronously in onLoad to support async fetching of the loaders.

See load for documentation on what the onLoad function is passed.

Override-able Methods

ModelLoader.getLoader(loaderName, manager, loadercb)

Function used to return an instance of a particular loader. Once the loader has been created, pass it into loadercb. See above code snippet for an example.



Object with a map of loader name to loader class to instantiate. Used only for the default implementation of the getLoader function. Defaults to the available THREE object where loaders are typically available.


List of extension to loaderName, used to select the loader for each extension. The list can be modified by adding and removing keys from the list. Every loader is expected to be found on the THREE object.

loader.loadMap[ 'obj' ] = 'OBJLoader';
delete loader.loadMap[ 'stl' ];

model-viewer Element

<!-- Register the Element -->
<script href=".../model-viewer-element.js" />
<script>customElements.define('model-viewer', ModelViewer)</script>

  <model-viewer src=".../path/to/model.ply" display-shadow ambient-color="red"></model-viewer>



The url of the model to display.


Whether or not the render the shadow under the robot.


The color of the ambient light specified with css colors.


Show a grid underneath the model.


Automatically redraw the model every frame instead of waiting to be dirtied.



Dirty the renderer so the element will redraw next frame.



Fires when a model is going to load.


Fires when all the geometry has been fully loaded.


Fires when there's a problem loading the model.

Running the Example

Install Node.js and NPM.

Run npm install.

Run npm run server.

Visit localhost:9080/example/ to view the page.

npm i threejs-model-loader


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Garrett Johnson
  • released 10/29/2018

