
Validator for ThinkJS


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How to Use in Thinkjs3.0

// In your logic dir, xxx.js
let ret = this.validate(rules, msgs)
  • rules: the validation rules.
  • msgs: the custom error messages.
  • If valid ok, the ret is true, else ret is false. When valid failed, you can get the error message like {param1: 'error message', ...} in this.validateErrors, .

Validation Rules Config

Validation rules is written in json like this:

let rules = {
  id: {
    int: true,
    required: true,
    trim: true,
    default: 12,
    method: 'GET,POST'
  • Param is not required by default, so if you need param not empty, you should assign required with true.
  • If you want trim the space for the param you should assign trim with true,for example, if the id's value is '12 ' and trim: true then id is an integer, but it won't been an integer with trim: false.
  • With default you can give the param default value, if param's value is true empty, it will be the default value.
  • By default method eq ctx.method, only when method include the ctx.method validation will be run.

Basic Data Type

  • The supported data types include boolean,string,int,float,array,object. And the default type is string. Only one basic data type is permit at the same time in one rule.

Data Type Auto Convert Before Validation

  • When valid'type is boolean, ['yes', 'on', '1', 'true', true] will auto convert into true, and others to false.
  • When valid'type is array and param's value is not array: if param's value is string, it will run split(,), else it will convert param's value to [param's value].

Data Type Auto Convert After Validation

  • When valid'type is int or float, if pass the validation the param's value will auto convert into integer.

Nested Validation

Nested validation will valid the item in array or object. But it only support one layer child validation and every child'rule should be the same for now.

Nested Validation for Array

let rules = {
  array: true,
  children: {
    int: true,
    trim: true,
    required: true

Nested Validation for Object

let rules = {
  object: true,
  children: {
    int: true,
    trim: true,
    required: true

Alias for Param Name

For example,

let rules = {
  user: {
    required: true

If valid failed, the default error would be, {user: 'user can not be blank'}, but sometime you may want 'user' to be '用户名', you can add 'aliasName' for the rule. Just like:

let rules = {
  user: {
    required: true,
    aliasName: '用户名'


And the error would be {user: '用户名 can not be blank'}.

If you want use aliasName for array or object, please add aliasName in children:

// for array
let rules = {
  user: {
    array: true,
    children: {
      aliasName: '用户名'

// for object
let rules = {
  user: {
    object: true,
    children: {
      aliasName: '用户名'


Custom Error Message

For Not Object Type

let rules = {
  username: {
    required: true,
    method: 'GET'
let msgs = {
  required: '{name} can not blank',         // rule 1
  username: '{name} can not blank',         // rule 2
  username: {
    required: '{name} can not blank'        // rule 3

It will find the matched error message when valid failed by the order: rule3> rule2 > rule1.

For Object Type

  let rules = {
    address: {
      object: true,
      children: {
        int: true
  let msgs = {
    int: 'this is int error message for all field',             // rule 1
    address: {
      int: 'this is int error message for address',             // rule 2
      a: 'this is int error message for a of address',          // rule 3
      'b,c': 'this is int error message for b and c of address' // rule 4
      d: {
        int: 'this is int error message for d of address'       // rule 5
  let flag = this.validate(rules, msgs);

It will find the matched error message when valid failed by the order: rule5 > rule4 rule3> rule2 > rule1.

Add Custom Valid Method

  • You can parse the rule's arguments with query before validation.

  • Just add a _ruleMethodName function for the ruleMethodName.

  • If ctx.method == GET, currentQuery eq the get query param of ctx, if ctx.method == POST| PUT | DELETE | PATCH | LINK | UNLINK, currentQuery eq the post query param of ctx. if ctx.method == FILE, currentQuery eq the file query param of ctx.

// in src/config/validator.js
module.exports = {
  rules: {
     * @param  {Mixed} validValue  [the origin rule's value]
     * @param  {Object}      [the ctx query which match the ctx.method]
     * @return {Mixed}             [the rule's value after parse]
    _newrule: function(validValue, { rule, ctx, validName, currentQuery, rules }) {
      return validValue;
     * @param  {Mixed} value            [the argument'value need to valid]
     * @param  {Mixed}  [the rule's value after parse]
     * @return {Boolean}                []
    newrule: function(value, { rule, validName, validValue, parsedValidValue, ctx, currentQuery, rules }) {
      return value === validValue;
  messages: {
    newrule: 'this is newrule custom message'

Supported Validation Type

requiredIf: [Array]

If the requiredIf's argument's first item has value in request data, let the first item is the value(in request data). If the requiredIf's argument's first item does not have value in request data, let the first item keep intact. If the first item is in the last items, the param's value is required.

requiredNotIf: [Array]

If the requiredNotIf's argument's first item has value in request data, let the first item is the value(in request data). If the requiredNotIf's argument's first item does not have value in request data, let the first item keep intact. If the first item is not in the last items, the param's value is required.

requiredWith: [Array]

When some items of requiredWith's arugument is not true empty in request data, the param's value is required.

requiredWithAll: [Array]

When all items of requiredWithAll's arugument is not true empty in request data, the param's value is required.

requiredWithOut: [Array]

When some items of requiredWithOut's arugument is true empty in request data, the param's value is required.

requiredWithOutAll: [Array]

When all items of requiredWithOutAll's arugument is true empty in request data, the param's value is required.

contains: [String]

If the contains's argument does not have value in request data, the rule will check if param's value contains equals's argument.

equals: [String]

If the equals's argument has value in request data, the rule will check if the value(in request data) equal param's value.

different: [String]

If the equals's argument has value in request data, the rule will check if the value(in request data) not equal param's value. If the equals's argument does not have value in request data, the rule will check if equals's argument not equal param's value.

before: [true|date format string]

Check if param's value before the giving date. If before = true, the giving date is now.

after: [true|date format string]

Check if param's value after the giving date. If after = true, the giving date is now.

alpha: [true]

Check if param's value contains only letters (a-zA-Z).

alphaDash: [true]

Check if param's value contains only letters (a-zA-Z_).

alphaNumeric: [true]

Check if param's value contains only letters, numbers.

alphaNumericDash: [true]

Check if param's value contains only letters, numbers and _.

ascii: [true]

Check if param's value is ascii.

base64: [true]

Check if param's value is base64.

byteLength: [{min: 0, max: 10}] | 10

Check if param's value length(in bytes) falls in a range.

creditCard: [true]

Check if param's value is creditCard.

currency: [true|options]

Check if param's value is currency format. options please see validator.js.

date: [true]

Check if param's value is date format.

decimal: [true]

Check if param's value represents a decimal number, such as 0.1, .3, 1.1, 1.00003, 4.0, etc.

divisibleBy: [number]

Check if param's value is a number that's divisible by the giving one.

email: [true|options]

Check if param's value is an email. options please see validator.js.

fqdn: [true|options]

Check if param's value is fqdn. options please see validator.js.

float: [true|{min: 0, max: 10}]

If float = true, check if param's value is a float. If float = {min: 0, max: 10}, check if param's value is a float between min and 'max'.

fullWidth: [true]

Check if param's value contains any full-width chars.

halfWidth: [true]

Check if param's value contains any half-width chars.

hexColor: [true]

Check if param's value is a hexadecimal color.

hex: [true]

Check if param's value is a hexadecimal number.

ip: [true]

Check if param's value is an ip4 or ip6.

ip4: [true]

Check if param's value is an ip4.

ip6: [true]

Check if param's value is an ip6.

isbn: [true]

Check if param's value is an isbn.

isin: [true]

Check if param's value is an ISIN (stock/security identifier).

iso8601: [true]

Check if param's value is a valid ISO 8601 date.

in: [Array]

Check if param's value is in a array of allowed values.

notIn: [Array]

Check if param's value is not in a array of allowed values.

int: [true|{min: 0, max: 10}]

If int = true, check if param's value is an integer. If int = {min: 0, max: 10}, check if param's value is an integer between min and 'max'.

length: [{min: 0, max: 10}] | 10

Check if param's value length falls in a range.

lowercase: [true]

Check if param's value is lowercase.

uppercase: [true]

Check if param's value is uppercase.

mobile: [true|locale]

Check if param's value is a mobile phone number. locale please see validator.js.

mongoId: [true]

Check if param's value is a valid hex-encoded representation of a MongoDB ObjectId.

multibyte: [true]

Check if param's value contains one or more multibyte chars.

url: [true|options]

Check if param's value is an URL. options please see validator.js.

field: [true]

Check if param's value is a sql order string.

field: [true]

Check if param's value is a sql field string.

image: [true]

Check if param's value is an image file.

startWith: [String]

Check if param's value start with the giving string.

endWith: [String]

Check if param's value end with the giving string.

string: [true]

Check if param's value is string.

array: [true]

Check if param's value is array. If param's value is not array, it will convert to [param's value].

boolean: [true]

Check if param's value is boolean. If param's value is one of ['yes', 'on', '1', 'true', true], it will convert to true, and others will convert to false.

object: [true]

Check if param's value is object.

regexp: [Regexp]

Check if param's value match the regexp.

issn: [true]

Check if param's value is an ISSN.

uuid: [true]

Check if param's value is a UUID (version 3, 4 or 5).

md5: [true]

Check if param's value is md5.

macAddress: [true]

Check if param's value is macaddress.

dataURI: [true]

Check if param's value is a data uri format.

variableWidth: [true]

Check if param's value contains a mixture of full and half-width chars.


  • ISC
  • Whatever
  • lushijie
  • released 1/19/2018
