
Build web-services for finding and randomizing things


Build web-services for finding and randomizing things, similar to pugme. Thingme generates endpoints for you, and serves static data in an easy-to-consume JSON API.

Current Version: 1.0.0-beta.1
Build Status: Build Status
Node Support: 0.10


Thingme requires Node.js 0.10+ to run, and you can install the command-line tool globally with:

$ npm install -g thingme

If you're using Thingme in your own project, add it to your package.json.


Webservices created with Thingme have the following endpoints. In these endpoints, things will be replaced by a word of your choice.


Get an array of available endpoints, and some light documentation.

GET /things

Get all the things as an array.

    "things": [
            "id": 1,
            "value": "foo"

GET /things/{id}

Get a single thing by id.

    "thing": {
        "id": 1,
        "value": "foo"

GET /random

Get a random thing.

    "thing": {
        "id": 1,
        "value": "foo"

GET /bomb?count={n}

Get {n} random things as an array.

    "things": [
            "id": 1,
            "value": "foo"

GET /count

Get the number of available things.

    "thing_count": 20

Each endpoint supports cross-origin resource sharing, as well as JSONp (with the callback parameter being callback).

Usage (Command-Line)

The simplest way to use Thingme is with the command-line tool. Assuming you've installed the module globally, you'll be able to run the following:

$ thingme path/to/config.json

This will start the web-service (on port 3000 by default). For information on how to write your config files, see the configuration documentation. There is an example application built this way in example/json.

Usage (JavaScript)

You can also use Thingme from within a node.js script by requiring the module:

var thingme = require('thingme');

The thingme function accepts a configuration object and returns a web-service object:

var ws = thingme({
    singular: 'kitten',
    plural: 'kittens',
    things: [ ... ]

The web-service object has a single method named start, which accepts a callback:

ws.start(function (err) {
    // err will be null on success, or an error object if the web-service cannot start 

There is an example application built this way in example/javascript.


The config object (either in a JSON file, or passed in as a JavaScript object) can have the following properties:


(string) The host to bind the web-service to. It's best to leave this unless you intend on binding multiple applications to the same port. Default:


(number) The port to bind the web-service to. Default: process.env.PORT or 3000.


(string) The singular name for the things exposed by your web-service. E.g. "kitten". Default: thing.


(string) The plural name for the things exposed by your web-service. E.g. "kittens". Default: things.


(array[object]) An array of objects which will be the data exposed by the web-service. Each object should ideally have at least an id property. Default: [].

things defaultBombCount

(number) The default number of things to return for the /bomb endpoint, when no count parameter is sent. Default: 5.


To develop Thingme, you'll need to clone the repo and install dependencies with npm install. You'll also need Grunt to be installed globally in order to run tests, you can do this with npm install -g grunt-cli.

Once you're set up, the following commands are available:

$ grunt lint  # Run JSHint with the correct config

Code with lint errors will not be accepted, please use the build tools outlined above.


Thingme is licensed under the MIT license.

npm i thingme


  • Unknown
  • Whatever
  • Rowan Manning
  • released 11/26/2013

