
Package your React apps with your own hand crafted Theme Wrap
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Theme Wrap

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Package your React apps with your own hand crafted Theme Wrap

Basic Usage

In the quick overview below, you will be guided with a simple walk-through of how to configure a sample theme and have your components be able to access this data. In short:

  • You wrap your components inside of the <ThemeWrapProvider theme={theme}> and pass the theme via a prop.
  • You wrap your components with applyThemeWrap(componentStyles) and pass your styles as the argument.
  • Access your styles via your component's styles.

It's a simple process that provides an elegant way of theme your entire React app.

Furthermore, in the advanced section, we will cover more advanced topics, such as being able to access your component'sprops in your component's styles, hot-swap different themes on the fly (in cases where an action could trigger an entire theme update), mixins support, and more...

Lets get started...

Similar to other React providers, ThemeWrapProvider provides data to the entire app. For example, you may have the following sample theme:

// theme.js

module.exports = {
  primaryColor: 'red',
  secondaryColor: 'green',
  fontSizes: {
    sm: '0.8em',
    md: '1.1em',
    lg: '1.8em'

After creating and configuring your theme, you provide the theme as a prop to the ThemeWrapProvider, as seen below:

// App.jsx

import React, { Component } from 'react';

import theme from './theme';

class App extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <ThemeWrapProvider theme={theme}>
        <Navigation />

export default App;

As you can see above, we've decided to wrap our entire app signified by the inside of our ThemeWrapProvider. However, you will later see that you don't necessarily have to wrap your entire app if not necessary and you can also nest ThemeWrapProviders for the ability to have sub sections of your app respond to different themes.

Now, all components within ThemeWrapProvider have access to theme. But how do our components get access to the theme? You can try to manage the context data yourself or use our applyThemeWrap higher order utility.


This higher order function wraps your component and provides the theme along with other data as props to your wrapped component. Following our example above, we have a <Navigation />:

// Navigation.jsx

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { applyThemeWrap } from 'theme-wrap';

import styles from './Navigation.styles';

class Navigation extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
          Sample Component Header

export default applyThemeWrap(styles)(Navigation);

Please note the component's styles which is passed into applyThemeWrap that wraps your entire component. You can also use ES7 decorators, if you'd like:

class Navigation extends Component {

export default Navigation;

So lets now see how our component's styles could look like. We can either include our inline styles within the same file, but we'll separate it to help keep our code modular. So, lets define the styles for our <Navigation />:

// Navigation.styles.js

export default function(theme) {
  return {
    container: {
      // green
      backgroundColor: theme.secondaryColor,
      padding: '20px'
    header: { 
      // red
      color: theme.primaryColor

Our component's styles now has the theme within its scope which you can see we've used to define our colors. Now that our component's styles are defined, lets use them within our component. As mentioned earlier, your styles are passed down as props to the component. Lets revisit our <Navigation />:

// Navigation.jsx

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { applyThemeWrap } from 'theme-wrap';

import styles from './Navigation.styles';

class Navigation extends Component {
  render() {
    const { tmStyles } = this.props;
    return (
      <div style={tmStyles.container}>
        <h1 style={tmStyles.header}>
          Sample Component Header

export default Navigation;

In the render function, you will see that we are deconstructing our props and accessing tmStyles, which signified our theme wrapped styles from our applyThemeWrap(styles) wrapper. We then use the keys from our styles as we please to style the different sections of our app. It's as easy as that!


I welcome contributors. If you have ideas to improve this library, go for it! Please use GitHub's pull request and issues features. Here are a few scripts to help you get started:

  • Run the repo in development mode. npm run dev
  • Run the repo in development mode with all outputs on a single line. npm run dev -s
  • Prepare and build the repo for distribution. npm run build
  • Lint your project. npm run lint.
  • Lint and watch your project npm run lint:watch.
  • Run tests npm run test.
  • Run and watch tests npm run test:watch.
  • Run tests with coverage report npm run test:cover.
  • Run tests with coverage report and travis npm run test:cover:travis.


  • lint
  • applyThemeWrap tests
  • favicon
  • Guides
  • Documentation
  • Static build for demo
  • more demos
  • screenshots
npm i theme-wrap


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Farhad Ghayour
  • released 7/28/2017

