
A simple http client for Thalassa that doesn't require ZeroMQ
thalassa haproxy registry

Thalassa Client

A lightweight client for Thalassa

Running the Client

The client can be run any of three ways.

  1. From the command-line
  2. As a module
  3. Over HTTP

Running Client from Command Line

Why would you do this? Let's say you have an existing legacy Java application that you'd rather not change. You can create a sister service that invokes the command line client to register the service on it's behalf.

For example, if Thalassa is installed globally (other wise `./node_modules/.bin/thalassa-client):

thalassa-client --register [email protected]:8080 --debug

This registers the application named my app at version 1.0.0 that's on the current host on port 8080. The client will continue to ping the Thalassa server with updates.

Client Command Line Options

thalassa-client --help
    --host           thalassa host                                                    [default: ""]
    --apiport        thalassa http api port                                           [default: 9000]
    --register       [email protected]:port,[email protected]:port                                  [required]
    --secsToExpire   default time in seconds for a thalassa registration to be valid  [default: 60]
    --updateFreq     time frequency in ms to ping the thalassa server                 [default: 20000]
    --updateTimeout  time in ms to wait for a registration request to respond         [default: 2500]
    --debug          enabled debug logging

Client as an Embedded Module

Using the client from within a node.js application to register your service is simple. Pass options via the opts object like new Thalassa.Client(opts):

var Thalassa = require('thalassa');

var client = new Thalassa.Client({
  apiport: 4445,
  host: 'localhost'

client.register('myapp', '1.0.0', 8080);

// start reporting registrations to the server

// stop reporting registrations to the server

opts.log may be passed just like the server.

updateSuccessful and updateFailed Events

The client will periodically check in with the Thalassa server according to opts.updateFreq (default 5000ms). Each registration will product a updateSuccessful or updateFailed event to be emitted.

client.on('updateSuccessful', function () {}); client.on('updateFailed', function (error) {});

Querying Registrations

Also as a module, you can use the client API to query for registrations.

client.getRegistrations('myapp', '1.0.0', function (err, registrations) {
    // registrations is an Array of Registrations

See the HTTP API section for the Registration structure.


You can also pass metadata with any registration as a fourth parameter. This can be any javascript object with properties. For example:

var meta = {
    az: 'use1a',
    size: 'm1.large',
    foo: {
        bar: 'baz'
client.register('myapp', '1.0.0', 8080, meta)


Licensed under Apache 2.0. See LICENSE file.

npm i thalassa-http-client


  • Apache2
  • Whatever
  • Mike Brevoort
  • released 3/18/2014

