
Use testdouble.js with vitest for a happier, more productive TDD experience.


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Use testdouble.js with vitest for a happier, more productive TDD experience!

This module ties vitest's import mocking system together with td.imitate to give you a version of td.replaceEsm that works in vitest.


Install vitest, testdouble, and testdouble-vitest using your package manager of choice...

npm install --save-dev vitest testdouble testdouble-vitest

...then configure vitest to inline the testdouble-vitest dependency...

import { defineConfig } from 'vitest/config'

export default defineConfig({
  test: {
    deps: {
      inline: ['testdouble-vitest'],

..and you should be ready to go!

Recommended usage

Instead of using td.replaceEsm() and td.reset(), use the replaceEsm() and reset() functions from testdouble-vitest.

From there, follow recommended testdouble.js usage. Use your beforeEach() hook to mock out your test subject's dependencies and import your subject using a dynamic import(), then reset in afterEach(). See example for more details.

import { vi, describe, beforeEach, afterEach, it } from 'vitest'
import { replaceEsm, reset } from 'testdouble-vitest'
import * as td from 'testdouble'

import type * as dependencyModule from '../dependency'
import type * as subjectModule from '../subject'

describe('collaborator subject', () => {
  let dependency: typeof dependencyModule
  let subject: typeof subjectModule

  beforeEach(async () => {
    dependency = await replaceEsm('../dependency')
    subject = await import('../subject')

  afterEach(() => {

  it('should replace the dependency with a testdouble imitation', async () => {
    td.when(dependency.load('abc123')).thenResolve({ id: 'abc123' })

    const result = await subject.getReport('abc123')

    expect(result).to.eql({ id: 'abc123' })

Like vanilla td.replaceEsm(), this module's replaceEsm() also allows you to specify the replacement explicitly.

dependency = await replaceEsm(
  { doSomething: td.func('doSomething') }, // named exports object
  td.func('defaultExport') // default export

Usage with vi.mock

If you prefer to use vi.mock() at the top level of your test files, but you would still like to use testdouble.js fakes, you can use this module's imitateEsm() function. Compared to the recommended usage, using vi.mock:

  • Slightly increases the risk of cross-test module state pollution
  • Does not differentiate import statements for mocked modules and real imports

These tradeoffs might be worth it if you or your team is more comfortable with the typical jest.mock() / vi.mock() style.

import { vi, describe, beforeEach, afterEach, it } from 'vitest'
import { imitateEsm, reset } from 'testdouble-vitest'
import * as td from 'testdouble'

import * as dependency from '../dependency'
import * as subject from '../subject'

vi.mock('../dependency', () => imitateEsm('../dependency'))

describe('collaborator subject', () => {
  afterEach(() => {

  it('should replace the dependency with a testdouble imitation', async () => {
    td.when(dependency.load('abc123')).thenResolve({ id: 'abc123' })

    const result = await subject.getReport('abc123')

    expect(result).to.eql({ id: 'abc123' })
npm i testdouble-vitest


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Michael Cousins
  • released 8/6/2024

