
A simple terminal task list powered by Ora

Terminal Tasks CircleCI

A simple terminal task list powered by Ora.


With Yarn

yarn add terminal-tasks

or with NPM

npm install terminal-tasks


const TaskList = require('terminal-tasks')

const list = new TaskList(['First Task', 'Second Task'])

someTask().then(() => {
  // Move to next task


new TaskList(tasks, options)


type: array

Array of tasks. Tasks can be a string (alias for name) or a task object.

task object

  name: 'text to display next to spinner',
  ora: {} // ora options for the spinner (optional)

See ora options


type: object (optional)

  // Character to show in front of pending tasks
  // Should be 2 chars long
  pendingChar: '- ',
  // Character to show in front of messages
  // Should have 2 spaces in front and 1 space after (4 chars total)
  messageChar: '  > ',
  // Hide messages when .next() is called
  collapse: false,
  // ora options to set for every task
  ora: {}



Set current task status to succeed and start spinner on next task. Optionally takes a message argument which will show instead of the task name.


Set current task status to info and start spinner on next task. Optionally takes a message argument which will show instead of the task name.


Set current task status to warn and start spinner on next task. Optionally takes a message argument which will show instead of the task name.


Fail the current task and display it's name or the message argument. Will not start the next task.


Add a task to the list. Can be a string or task object.


Run .next() for each remaining task. Optionally takes a message argument which will be logged to console.


Display an indented message below the current task. Will show when .next() is called unless collapse is set to true in options.

npm i terminal-tasks


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Noah Klayman
  • released 7/14/2019

