
Terminal interface implementation for ranged web scraping.
terminal scrape arange



Terminal interface implementation for ranged web scraping.

const scrapeArange = require('terminal-scrapearange');
// scrapeArange.logSill(<message>): for less important logs (verbose)
// scrapeArange.logVerb(<message>): for important logs (verbose)
// scrapeArange.logErr(<message>): for error logs (verbose)
// scrapeArange.request(<options>): make http/https request (follows redirect)
// scrapeArange.main(<options>): terminal interface

scrapeArange.logSill('> GET somewebsite.org')
// > GET somewebsite.org (in grey, if verbose enabled)
scrapeArange.logVerb('Scraping post 12...')
// > Scraping post 12... (in bright yellow, if verbose enabled)
scrapeArange.logErr('ERR: 12 failed')
// > ERR: 12 failed (in bright red, if verbose enabled)
  protocol: 'https:',
  hostname: 'somewebsite.org',
  port: 443,
  path: '/',
  method: 'GET'
}).then((html) => console.log(html));
// <html><head><title>somewebsite</title>...
if(require.main===module) scrapeArange.main({
  output: null,     // target writestream, like fs.createWriteStream('output.txt')
  retries: 4,       // times to retry failed requests
  connections: 4,   // maximum number of parallel connections
  timegap: 250,     // minimum time gap between requests in milliseconds (doubles if a request fails)
  verbose: false,   // get detailed output?
  method: () => {}, // method that scrapes html and returns JSON object
// { /* object returned from method() */ }
// { /* another object returned from method() */ }
// ... (redirected to output file if specified with -o|--output)
// STDERR: [ /* array of failed ids, if any */ ]
npm i terminal-scrapearange


