
A terminal dashboard for monitoring concurrent jobs
terminal console cli dashboard monitor jobs

Terminal Dashboard

This shows a dashboard on terminal and updated automatically when data is provided.

How To Use

npm install term-dashboard
var Dashboard = require('term-dashboard').Dashboard;

var dashboard = new Dashboard({
    views: {
        header: [ { renderer: 'text', text: 'Terminal Dashboard Demo', fg: 'brightWhite', styles: ['bold', 'underline'] } ],
        worker: [
            { renderer: 'text', width: 20, key: 'name', align: 'right' },
            { renderer: 'text', width: 2, text: ' ' },
            { renderer: 'progressbar', width: -80, key: 'percent' },
            { renderer: 'text', width: -20, text: '...', align: 'right' }
        footer: [ { renderer: 'text', text: 'Press Control-C to exit ...' } ]
    layout: [
        { name: 'body', rows: 8 },

dashboard.update('head', 0, 'header', {}).update('foot', 0, 'footer', {});

workers.start().on('notify', function (worker, state) {
    dashboard.update('body', worker.index, 'worker', state);

Execute the test for a sample: npm test


When constructing a dashboard, views defines all named views for data models. A "view" defines the rule to render one specific row in dashboard. And it is actually an array of renderer configurations for columns.


layout simply defines the rows of the dashboard, with each item called a "slot". A slot can be a single row, or a number of rows.

Update Data

Invoke update to send data into dashboard and show on a certain row:

dashboard.update(slot, index, view, data);

Here slot and index specify which row to show the data. Use layout to determine the row. view specify which view to use to split the data into columns and render them on the same row.

Without specifying data will clear that row.

Redraw or Reconfigure Layout


Without layout just redraw the whole dashboard. Otherwise reconfigure the layout and redraw.



npm i term-dashboard


