
Unopinionated tenanted connection and configuration management
multi-tenancy tenancy tenant environment connections multi-tenant


npm npm CircleCI Coveralls

Getting started

Looking for the express middleware? Try express-tenant!


$ npm i --save tenant


var Tenancy = require('tenant');


import { Tenancy, Tenant, Connection } from 'tenant';

Tenancy configuration options

import Tenancy from 'tenant';
import Bluebird from 'bluebird';

let tenancy = new Tenancy({
  tenants: {
    production: convict({}), // use some library
    staging: config, // a custom module
    development: {}, // a plain object!?
  connections: {

    // I apologize.
    salesforce(config) {
      let { username, hostname, password, token } = config.salesforce;
      let conn = new jsforce.Connection({
        loginUrl: hostname,
        accessToken: token,

      return Bluebird.fromCallback(cb => {
        conn.login(username, password + token, cb);

    // Less gross.
    couch(config) {
      return nano(config.couch.url);

    service(extra, parameters, config) {
      // Return whatever you want, promise, function, object, (spatula?)
    // ...other tenanted connections

Functional initialization

Alternatively you can add connections and tenants functionally. Pass a fully qualified Tenant object or a name and a configuration object. Order doesn't matter, connections will populate to tenants and vice versa


import { Tenancy, Tenant } from 'tenant';

let tenancy = new Tenancy();

let staging = new Tenant('staging', stagingConfig);

// Chainable. Order doesn't matter.
  .connection('salesforce', (config) => {
    return Promise.reject(new Error('Really? Still Salesforce?'));
  .tenant('production', prodConfig);

export default tenancy;

Getting tenant configuration

let secret = tenancy.tenant('production').config.sessionSecret;

Getting a tenant connection

let CouchDB = tenancy.tenant('staging').connection('couch');

Passing additional arguments to the connection factory method

// Define your factory method with additional arguments
new Connection('couch', (tablename, config) => {
  return nano(config.couchdb).use(tablename);

// Call connection with an array of additional arguments
let CouchDB = tenancy.tenant('staging').connection('couch', ['users']);

API Reference

class Tenancy

class Tenant

class Connection

npm i tenant


  • ISC
  • Whatever
  • Seth Tippetts
  • released 8/24/2016

