
A simple wrapper over Telegram Bot Api with additional features.
telegram bot api teabot bot api wrapper

Library Deprecated: Use tg-yarl instead


license npm bitHound Score

A simple wrapper over Telegram Bot Api with additional features. Developed for Teabot.

npm install teabot-telegram-api
var Api = require('teabot-telegram-api');


var botApi = new Api(token);
botApi.setWebhook('https://example.com/bot', './certificate.pem');
botApi.getMe().then(function(response) {
  console.log('getMe:', response);

var inputFile = {
  stream: fs.createReadStream('file.png'),
  fileName: 'file.png'
botApi.sendPhoto('chatId', inputFile, {caption: 'file.png'}).then(function(response) {
  console.log('sendPhoto:', response);


All methods return a Promise, unless otherwise indicated.


A simple method for testing your bot's auth token. Returns basic information about the bot in form of a User object.

setWebHook([url], [certificate])

Specify an url to receive incoming updates via an outgoing webhook.

To use a self-signed certificate, you need to upload your public key certificate using certificate parameter.


  • [url] (String) - HTTPS url to send updates to. Use an empty string to remove webhook integration.
  • [certificate] (String|Object) - Object with file path, Stream or Buffer. See InputFile object for more info.

getUpdates([timeout], [limit], [offset])

Use this method to receive incoming updates using long polling.


  • timeout (Integer) - Timeout in seconds for long polling.
  • limit (Integer) - Limits the number of updates to be retrieved.
  • offset (Integer) - Identifier of the first update to be returned.

sendMessage(chatId, text, [options])

Send text message.


  • chatId (Integer) - Unique identifier for the message recipient.
  • text (String) - Text of the message to be sent.
  • [options] (Object) - Message options:
    • parse_mode (String) - Send Markdown, if you want Telegram apps to show bold, italic and inline URLs in your bot's message.
    • disable_web_page_preview (Boolean) - Disables link previews for links in this message.
    • reply_to_message_id (Integer) - If the message is a reply, ID of the original message.
    • reply_markup - Additional interface options.

forwardMessage(chatId, fromChatId, messageId)

Forward messages of any kind.


  • chatId (Integer) - Unique identifier for the message recipient.
  • fromChatId (Integer) - Unique identifier for the chat where the original message was sent.
  • messageId (Integer) - Unique message identifier.

sendPhoto(chatId, photo, [options])

Send photo.


  • chatId (Integer) - Unique identifier for the message recipient.
  • photo (String|Object) - Object with file path, Stream, Buffer or file_id. See InputFile object for more info.
  • [options] (Object) - Photo options:
    • caption (String) - Photo caption.
    • reply_to_message_id (Integer) - If the message is a reply, ID of the original message.
    • reply_markup - Additional interface options.

sendAudio(chatId, audio, [options])

Send audio.


  • chatId (Integer) - Unique identifier for the message recipient.
  • audio (String|Object) - Object with file path, Stream, Buffer or file_id. See InputFile object for more info.
  • [options] (Object) - Audio options:
    • duration (Integer) - Duration of sent audio in seconds.
    • performer (String) - Performer of sent audio.
    • title (String) - Title of sent audio.
    • reply_to_message_id (Integer) - If the message is a reply, ID of the original message.
    • reply_markup - Additional interface options.

sendDocument(chatId, document, [options])

Send document.


  • chatId (Integer) - Unique identifier for the message recipient.
  • document (String|Object) - Object with file path, Stream, Buffer or file_id. See InputFile object for more info.
  • [options] (Object) - Document options:
    • reply_to_message_id (Integer) - If the message is a reply, ID of the original message.
    • reply_markup - Additional interface options.

sendSticker(chatId, sticker, [options])

Send .webp stickers.


  • chatId (Integer) - Unique identifier for the message recipient.
  • sticker (String|Object) - Object with file path, Stream, Buffer or file_id. See InputFile object for more info.
  • [options] (Object) - Sticker options:
    • reply_to_message_id (Integer) - If the message is a reply, ID of the original message.
    • reply_markup - Additional interface options.

sendVideo(chatId, video, [options])

Send video.


  • chatId (Integer) - Unique identifier for the message recipient.
  • video (String|Object) - Object with file path, Stream, Buffer or file_id. See InputFile object for more info.
  • [options] (Object) - Video options:
    • duration (Integer) - Duration of sent video in seconds.
    • caption (String) - Video caption.
    • reply_to_message_id (Integer) - If the message is a reply, ID of the original message.
    • reply_markup - Additional interface options.

sendVoice(chatId, audio, [options])

Send voice.


  • chatId (Integer) - Unique identifier for the message recipient.
  • audio (String|Object) - Object with file path, Stream, Buffer or file_id. See InputFile object for more info.
  • [options] (Object) - Voice options:
    • duration (Integer) - Duration of sent video in seconds.
    • reply_to_message_id (Integer) - If the message is a reply, ID of the original message.
    • reply_markup - Additional interface options.

sendLocation(chatId, latitude, longitude, [options])

Send location.


  • chatId (Integer) - Unique identifier for the message recipient.
  • latitude (Float) - Latitude of location.
  • longitude (Float) - Longitude of location.
  • [options] (Object) - Location options:
    • reply_to_message_id (Integer) - If the message is a reply, ID of the original message.
    • reply_markup - Additional interface options.

sendChatAction(chatId, action)

Send chat action.

typing for text messages, upload_photo for photos, record_video or upload_video for videos, record_audio or upload_audio for audio files, upload_document for general files, find_location for location data.


  • chatId (Integer) - Unique identifier for the message recipient.
  • action (String) - Type of action to broadcast.

getUserProfilePhotos(userId, [offset], [limit])

Use this method to get a list of profile pictures for a user.


  • userId (Integer) - Unique identifier of the target user.
  • [offset] (Integer) - Sequential number of the first photo to be returned. By default, all photos are returned.
  • [limit] (Integer) - Limits the number of photos to be retrieved. Values between 1—100 are accepted. Defaults to 100.


setKeyboard(keyboard, [resize], [once], [selective])

Custom keyboard.


  • keyboard (Array of Array of Strings) - Array of button rows, each represented by an Array of Strings.
  • [resize] (Boolean) - Requests clients to resize the keyboard vertically for optimal fit.
  • [once] (Boolean) - Requests clients to hide the keyboard as soon as it's been used.
  • [selective] (Boolean) - Use this parameter if you want to show the keyboard to specific users only.

Note: This method is chainable.

setKeyboard([hide_keyboard], [selective])

If you just want to hide the keyboard, then do this:

botApi.setKeyboard().sendMessage('chatId', 'Text');
botApi.sendMessage('chatId', 'Text');

If you want to hide the keyboard to specific users only, then do this:

botApi.setKeyboard(true, true).sendMessage('chatId', 'Text');
botApi.setKeyboard(true, true);
botApi.sendMessage('chatId', 'Text');


  • [hide_keyboard] (True)- Requests clients to hide the custom keyboard.
  • [selective] (Boolean) - Use this parameter if you want to show the keyboard to specific users only.

Note: This method is chainable.

InputFile object

If buffer:

var inputFile = {
  buffer: new Buffer(),
  fileName: 'file.png'

If stream:

var inputFile = {
  stream: fs.createReadStream('file.png'),
  fileName: 'file.png'

If path:

var inputFile = 'file.png';

If file_id:

var inputFile = 'file_id';
var inputFile = {fileId: 'file_id'};


The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2015 Alexey Bystrov

npm i teabot-telegram-api


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Alexey Bystrov
  • released 10/28/2015

