
The tool to create artifacts for your assemblies.
artifacts assemblies tarball tar gzip tar.gz destination copy files and 1 more...


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The tool to create artifacts for your assemblies.

Copy only the necessary files and pack them in tar.gz file.

It works much faster than removing unnecessary files and packing with command-line utility tar.

For example, 1 minute vs 10 seconds for project with 20 thousand files (80 Mb).


$ npm install --save tartifacts


const writeArtifacts = require('tartifacts');
const artifacts = [
        name: 'artifact.tar.gz',
        patterns: ['sources/**', '!sources/exlib/**'],
        tar: true,
        gzip: { level: 9 }
        name: 'artifact-dir',
        includes: 'sources/**',
        excludes: 'sources/exlib/**',
        dotFiles: false // exclude dotfiles, override general settings

writeArtifacts(artifacts, {
    root: './path/to/my-project/', // files of artifacts will be searched from root by artifact patterns,
                                   // for example: ./path/to/my-project/sources/**
    destDir: './dest/',
    dotFiles: true,    // include dotfiles
    emptyFiles: true,  // include empty files
    emptyDirs: true    // include empty directories
.then(() => console.log('Copying and packaging of artifacts completed!'))

or advanced one which is especially useful for watch mode

const Tartifacts = require('tartifacts').Tartifacts;
const tartifacts = new Tartifacts({
    watch: true // files and directories will be added to the destination artifact
                // in runtime as soon as they appear on the file system

process.on('SIGTERM', () => tartifacts.closeArtifacts());

    name: 'artifact.tar.gz',
    patterns: ['sources/**']
.then(() => {
    // will be resolved only after "tartifacts.closeArtifacts()"" call on "SIGTERM" event
    // and all artifacts are ready


writeArtifacts(artifacts, [options])

Searchs files of artifact by glob patterns and writes them to artifact in fs.


Constructor which creates an instance of Tartifacts with the methods described below.


Does the same as function writeArtifacts.


Method which is useful when artifacts are created in watch mode and should be called in order to resolve Tartifacts.prototype.writeArtifacts (see the usage above).


Type: object, object[]

The info about artifacts or one artifact.

Each artifact object has the following fields:


Type: string

The artifact name of file or directory.


Type: string

Default: precess.cwd()

The path to root directory.

The patterns, includes and excludes will be resolved from root.


Type: string

The path to destination directory of artifact.

The dest and name will be resolved from destDir. If destDir is not specified, dest and name will be resolved from root.


Type: string, string[], object

Default: []

The paths to files which need to be included or excluded.

Read more about patterns in glob package.


Type: string, string[]

Default: []

The paths to files which need to be included.


Type: string, string[]

Default: []

The paths to files which need to be excluded.

Can be specifed as an object:

    name: 'artifact',
    patterns: {
        './subdir1': ['dir1/**'],
        './subdir2': ['dir2/**']

This means that all files which match dir1/** will be added to directory artifact/subdir1 and all files which match dir2/** will be added to directory artifact/subdir2, so, for example, file ./dir1/file.ext will be added to artifact as ./artifact/subdir1/dir1/file.ext and file, for ./dir2/file.ext will be added to artifact as ./artifact/subdir2/dir2/file.ext.


Type: boolean

Default: false

If true, destination directory will be packed to tarball file.

Otherwise files of artifact will be copied to destination directory.


Type: boolean, object

Default: false

If true, tarball file will be gzipped.

To change the compression level pass object with level field.


Type: boolean

Default: false

Follow symlinked files and directories.

Note that this can result in a lot of duplicate references in the presence of cyclic links.


Type: boolean

Default: true

Include dotfiles.


Type: boolean

Default: true

Include empty files.


Type: boolean

Default: true

Include empty directories.


Type: Function

Default: null

It allows you to modify files before they are archived/copied.

Transform function has one argument with type {path: string, relative: string, base: string, cwd: string, history: string[]} and should return the modified chunk or array of chunks.

Note: now support only sync functions



Type: boolean

Default: false

Tartifacts will work in an observe mode which means that all files and directories will be added to a destination directory or archive as soon as they appear on a file system.

Note: it is recommended to use this mode with the advanced API which is described in the usage above in order to have the ability to stop the tool


Type: object

Allows you to configure settings for write artifacts.

The options specify general settings for all artifacts:


MIT © Andrew Abramov

npm i tartifacts


  • MIT
  • >= 12.18
  • Andrew Abramov
  • released 6/22/2020
