
Built on top of [tarima](https://github.com/gextech/tarima) to provide a simple build pipeline with watching support.

Tarima CLI

Built on top of tarima to provide a simple build pipeline with watching support.

  1. It can take any amount of files and produce different outputs based on supplied configuration, you can filter out some files, rename different subests, bundle them, etc.

  2. Provides a simple hook system to catch-all non supported files, then are piped out to different handlers if they exists.

  3. Otherwise, all non supported files are simply copied.

It comes with basic dependency tracking, so any change will affect only its dependent sources.

How it works?

The best way is adding tarima as dependency, global or locally, and then setup your package.json for using it:

{ // package.json
  "scripts": {
    "dev": "tarima -w",
    "build": "tarima -f"

Now calling npm run dev will start in watch-mode and npm run build will force a complete rebuild of all sources.

The default source directory is ./src if you need anything else you can provide arguments, e.g. tarima foo bar which will produce {foo,bar}/**/* as input.

Also you can specify this option in your package.json file:

{ // package.json
  "tarima": {
    "src": "{controllers,models,views}/**/*"

Handling sources

All files then are read or watch from given directories, any change will trigger a compilation process.

This process will transpile the given source file if tarima supports it, if not it will be piped or copied as stated above.

Basically you can write ./src/index.md and obtain ./build/dist/src/index.html as result.

You'll notice that the source's filepath will be maintained as is, because you can specify multiple source directories and it will be difficult to resolve everything.

You can use the rename option for cut-off directories from the destination filepath:

{ // package.json
  "tarima": {
    "rename": "**:{filepath/1}/{filename}.{extname}"

This will match ./src/index.md to ./build/dist/index.html directly.

The {filepath/1} expression will split the source's dirname and remove the first directory from its left, e.g. ./dest/src/file.ext becomes ./dest/file.ext and such.

If you change the dest or public option you would obtain ./some-directory/index.html, etc.

Tarima will let you organize your source files as your pleasure, and them process them as you expect, to write them finally wherever you want.

Not a complete building tool but damn useful for daily work.


Tarima will use node-notifier to display some feedback about the process.

You can customize some values of the notification popup:

{ // package.json
  "tarima": {
    "notifications": {
      "title": "My app",
      "okIcon": "./success.png",
      "errIcon": "./failure.png"

Caching support

Tarima is efficient by tracking dependencies using a json-file for caching, this way on each startup nothing will be compiled unless they are changes or dirty files.

By default the cache is taken from the dest directory, but you use a different file specifying the cacheFile option:

{ // package.json
  "tarima": {
    "cacheFile": "./tarima.cache.json"

Bundle support

By default all scripts are transpiled only, you must enable the bundle option for globally treat each entry-point as bundle.

This option can be true to enable bundling on all files (filtered), a glob string, or an array of globs.

Files matching the globs will be treated as entry-points, see below.

Or locally set the _bundle option as front-matter:

_bundle: true

import { getValue } from './other/script';

export default function () {
  return getValue(...arguments);

When using _bundle you don't need to declare it on each imported file, only within the entry-points you want to bundle.

Even stylesheets are entry-points by nature:

@import 'colors.less';

a { color: @link-text-color; }

So you don't need anything else to bundle stylesheets. ;)

Ignore sources

Ignoring sources will skip all matched files from watching, Tarima will never track them for any purpose.

You can use the ignoreFiles to provide a glob-based file with patterns to be ignored.


{ // package.json
  "tarima": {
    "ignoreFiles": [".gitignore"]

Any .gitignore compatible format is supported.

Filtering sources

Filtered sources are watched but not used for any transpilation process, they are ignored because they should be imported from any other entry-point file.

A common pattern is ignoring everything which starts with underscore:

{ // package.json
  "tarima": {
    "filter": [

Rollup.js support

You can provide a configuration file for rollup using the rollupFile option:

{ // package.json
  "tarima": {
    "rollupFile": "./rollup.config.js"

The src and dest options are ignored since tarima will override them internally.

You can setup the specific behavior of bundling using bundleOptions:

{ // package.json
  "tarima": {
    "bundleOptions": {
      "babel": {},
      "less": { "plugins": [] }

All given options are passed directly when calling the bundle() method on Tarima.

Locals support

You can pass a global locals object accesible for all parsed templates, this way you can reuse anything do you need:

{ // package.json
  "tarima": {
    "locals": {
      "title": "My project"

Given locals are passed directly when calling any render() method on Tarima.


Using the plugins option you can declare scripts or modules to be loaded and perform specific tasks, common plugins are:

  • tarima-bower — quick support for bower files
  • tarima-images — support for sprites and lazy loading
  • tarima-lr — LiveReload integration
  • tarima-browser-sync — BrowserSync integration

Some plugins can take its configuration from pluginOptions or directly from the main configuration:

{ // package.json
  "tarima": {
    "pluginOptions": {
      "bower": { "bundle": true }

All plugins are loaded automatically by Tarima on the startup.


  • Unknown
  • Whatever
  • Unknown
  • released 10/3/2016

