
filesystem bindings for tar-stream
tar fs file tarball directory stream


Filesystem bindings for tar-stream.

npm install tar-fs


tar-fs allows you to pack directories into tarballs and extract tarballs into directories.

It doesn't gunzip for you, so if you want to extract a .tar.gz with this you'll need to use something like gunzip-maybe in addition to this.

const tar = require('tar-fs')
const fs = require('fs')

// packing a directory

// extracting a directory

To ignore various files when packing or extracting add a ignore function to the options. ignore is also an alias for filter. Additionally you get header if you use ignore while extracting. That way you could also filter by metadata.

const pack = tar.pack('./my-directory', {
  ignore (name) {
    return path.extname(name) === '.bin' // ignore .bin files when packing

const extract = tar.extract('./my-other-directory', {
  ignore (name) {
    return path.extname(name) === '.bin' // ignore .bin files inside the tarball when extracing

const extractFilesDirs = tar.extract('./my-other-other-directory', {
  ignore (_, header) {
    // pass files & directories, ignore e.g. symlinks
    return header.type !== 'file' && header.type !== 'directory'

You can also specify which entries to pack using the entries option

const pack = tar.pack('./my-directory', {
  entries: ['file1', 'subdir/file2'] // only the specific entries will be packed

If you want to modify the headers when packing/extracting add a map function to the options

const pack = tar.pack('./my-directory', {
  map (header) {
    header.name = 'prefixed/'+header.name
    return header

const extract = tar.extract('./my-directory', {
  map (header) {
    header.name = 'another-prefix/'+header.name
    return header

Similarly you can use mapStream incase you wanna modify the input/output file streams

const pack = tar.pack('./my-directory', {
  mapStream (fileStream, header) {
    // NOTE: the returned stream HAS to have the same length as the input stream.
    // If not make sure to update the size in the header passed in here.
    if (path.extname(header.name) === '.js') {
      return fileStream.pipe(someTransform)
    return fileStream

const extract = tar.extract('./my-directory', {
  mapStream (fileStream, header) {
    if (path.extname(header.name) === '.js') {
      return fileStream.pipe(someTransform)
    return fileStream

Set options.fmode and options.dmode to ensure that files/directories extracted have the corresponding modes

const extract = tar.extract('./my-directory', {
  dmode: parseInt(555, 8), // all dirs should be readable
  fmode: parseInt(444, 8) // all files should be readable

It can be useful to use dmode and fmode if you are packing/unpacking tarballs between *nix/windows to ensure that all files/directories unpacked are readable.

Alternatively you can set options.readable and/or options.writable to set the dmode and fmode to readable/writable.

var extract = tar.extract('./my-directory', {
  readable: true, // all dirs and files should be readable
  writable: true, // all dirs and files should be writable

Set options.strict to false if you want to ignore errors due to unsupported entry types (like device files)

To dereference symlinks (pack the contents of the symlink instead of the link itself) set options.dereference to true.

Copy a directory

Copying a directory with permissions and mtime intact is as simple as


Interaction with tar-stream

Use finalize: false and the finish hook to leave the pack stream open for further entries (see tar-stream#pack), and use pack to pass an existing pack stream.

const mypack = tar.pack('./my-directory', {
  finalize: false,
  finish (sameAsMypack) {
    mypack.entry({name: 'generated-file.txt'}, "hello")
    tar.pack('./other-directory', {
      pack: sameAsMypack




  • Unknown
  • Whatever
  • Unknown
  • released 2/12/2014

