
A lite wrapper around tape to simplify async testing.


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A lite wrapper around tape to simplify async testing.

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npm install -D tape-async


Use with async-await

  const test = require('tape-async');
  const sleep = require('sleep-promise');

  test('this test will successfully pass', async (t) => {
    await sleep(100);
    const a = await Promise.resolve(42);
    t.equal(a, 42);

tape-async supports future ES async-await syntax. You are in charge to provide traspilation of your test code.

Use with generators

  const test = require('tape-async');
  const sleep = require('sleep-promise');

  test('this test will successfully pass', function *(t) {
    const result = yield Promise.resolve(42);
    t.equal(result, 42);

tape-async supports generators test to handle async code. They run using co.

It catch unhandled errors

  const test = require('tape-async');
  test('this test will fail', () => {
      throw new Error('unhandled');
    }, 100);

Unhandled errors in your tests are automatically covered. Test suite fails with a generic error message and a stack trace.

It catch unhandled Promise rejections

  const test = require('tape-async');
  test('this test will fail', () => {
    Promise.reject(new Error('unhandled'));

Uncatched Promise rejection in your tests are automatically covered. Test suite fails with a generic error message and a stack trace.

It support every tape features.

  const test = require('tape-async');
  test.skip('this test will be skipped', () => {


  test.only('this test will be the only one', t => {
    t.equal(42, 42);

Since this is only a tiny wrapper around tape, you can use every feature you are used to.

Related projects

  • tape - tap-producing test harness for node and browsers.


The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2016 Andrea Parodi

npm i tape-async


  • MIT
  • >=4.1
  • Andrea Parodi
  • released 3/30/2017

