
A nicer way to handle tap output
tape tap test pretty tap-on on-tap on tap output and 5 more...



Another tape/tap output formatter for running tests

I built this package primarily to use with tape, and its tap output. The biggest issue with tap is that the way its output is structured can almost be anything.

If you need or want to use tap-on and it comes out ugle, or just flat out doesn't work please open an issue! I will be glad to help!


  • -s, --stack: This param will hide the stack trace in the fail messages you will still see the at however
  • -u, --summarize: Enables failure summaries at the END of your test report, useful if you have a lot of tests!
  • --no-color: Disables colored output, and only keeps the icons, and spacing


npm i -D tap-on


You can simply pass your tap output into tap-on through a pipe or other means

tape test/*.js | tap-on

tape test/*.js | tap-on -u -s

node test.js | ./node_modules/tap-on/bin/tap-on -u

tap-on -u < src/test/non-tape.tap


The output was built to look a bit like the tap-spec module but without some dependencies like Lodash.

The stats at the bottom work like so:

  • Total: Total number of tests run
  • Passed: Total passing tests
  • Failed: Total failing tests
  • Skipped: Total SKIPPED tests (NOT skipped assertions)
  • Duration: Total time took to run

Here are some examples of the output:

on-tap-example1 on-tap-example2 on-tap-example3

npm i tap-on


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Dustin Hershman
  • released 1/28/2024

