
turn tap test output into JSON
tap parser tape tap-spec test

this is a grateful fork of scottcorgan/tap-out, which is no-longer maintained ¹ ²
this library should be a non-breaking, no-sweat update.

parse tap test output into JSON
npm install tap-in

TAP ('Test Anything Protocol') is a text-based format for software testing It looks something like this:

ok 1 - Input file opened
not ok 2 - First line of the input valid
ok 3 - Read the rest of the file
not ok 4 - Summarized correctly # TODO Not written yet

It's pretty-cool format, and is very-heavily used.
This library parses this text into JSON, so test-reporters can do clever things with the output data more easily.

it offers a command-line script, and a javascript API:


this library exports a CLI command tap-in, that you can use with a pipe

$ something-that-produces-tap | tap-in
  tests: [
    { name: 'is true', number: 1, raw: '# is true', type: 'test' }
  asserts: [
    { name: 'true value', number: 1, ok: true, raw: 'ok 1 true value', test: 1, type: 'assert' },
    { name: 'true value', number: 2, ok: true, raw: 'ok 2 true value', test: 1, type: 'assert' }
  versions: [],
  results: [],
  comments: [],
  plans: [{ type: 'plan', raw: '1..2', from: 1, to: 2, skip: false }],
  pass: [
    { name: 'true value', number: 1, ok: true, raw: 'ok 1 true value', test: 1, type: 'assert' },
    { name: 'true value', number: 2, ok: true, raw: 'ok 2 true value', test: 1, type: 'assert' }
  fail: [],
  errors: []


more often, a test-reporter will want to do something custom with the output:

const tapIn = require('tap-in')

let t = tapIn((err, json) => {
  console.log(json) // callback when finished

// or some event-based logic
t.on('pass', assert => {
t.on('fail', assert => {
  console.log(`✗ ${assert.name}`)


tapIn returns a stream that emits events with various TAP data. It takes an optional callback which is called when all parsing is done.


t.on('output', function (output) {})

All output after all TAP data is parsed.

Example output

  tests: [
    { name: 'is true', number: 1, raw: '# is true', type: 'test' }
  asserts: [
    { name: 'true value', number: 1, ok: true, raw: 'ok 1 true value', test: 1, type: 'assert' },
    { name: 'true value', number: 2, ok: true, raw: 'ok 2 true value', test: 1, type: 'assert' }
  results: [],
  versions: [],
  comments: [],
  fail: [],
  pass: [
    { name: 'true value', number: 1, ok: true, raw: 'ok 1 true value', test: 1, type: 'assert' },
    { name: 'true value', number: 2, ok: true, raw: 'ok 2 true value', test: 1, type: 'assert' }

t.on('test', function (test) {})

Parsed test object with details.

  • type - value will always be test
  • name - name of the test
  • raw - the raw output before it was parsed
  • number - the number of the test
  type: 'test',
  name: 'is true',
  raw: '# is true',
  number: 1

t.on('assert', function (assertion) {})

Parsed assert object details.

  • type - this will always be assert
  • name - the name of the assertion
  • raw - the raw output before it was parsed
  • number - the number of the assertion
  • ok - whether the assertion passed or failed
  • test - the number of the test this assertion belongs to
  name: 'true value',
  number: 1,
  ok: true,
  raw: 'ok 1 true value',
  test: 1,
  type: 'assert'

t.on('version', function (version) {})

Parsed version data.

  • type - this will always be version
  • raw - the raw output before it was parsed
  raw: 'TAP version 13',
  type: 'version'

t.on('result', function (result) {})

Parsed test result data for tests, pass, fail.

  • type - this will always be result
  • name - the name of the result
  • raw - the raw output before it was parsed
  • count - the number of tests related to this result


  count: '15',
  name: 'tests',
  raw: '# tests 15',
  type: 'result'


  count: '13',
  name: 'pass',
  raw: '# pass  13',
  type: 'result'


  count: '2',
  name: 'fail',
  raw: '# fail  2',
  type: 'result'

t.on('pass', function (assertion) {})

Parsed assertion that has passed with details. The assertion formate is the same as the assert event.

t.on('fail', function (assertion) {})

Failed assertion that has passed with details. The assertion formate is the same as the assert event.

t.on('comment', function (comment) {})

Generic output like console.log() in your tests.

  • type - this will always be comment
  • raw - the raw output before it was parsed
  • test - the number of the test this comment belongs to
  type: 'comment',
  raw: 'this is a console log',
  test: 1

PRs are welcome! This library is maintained by Spencer Kelly

See Also

Thank you to feross/re-emitter and Scott Corgan


npm i tap-in


  • MIT
  • >=8.0.0
  • Scott Corgan & Spencer Kelly
  • released 7/8/2021

