
Node Tag Cloud HTML Generator
tag cloud tagCloud word wordCloud word cloud tag cloud generator html and 3 more...

tag-cloud - Node Tag Cloud HTML Generator

This node module will take an array of tags and counts and generate a Tag/Word Cloud.

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$ npm install tag-cloud


let tagCloud = require('tag-cloud');


Options Configuration

  • randomize - Boolean - Indicates whether the tags should be shuffled before the Tag Cloud is generated. [Default: true]
  • numBuckets - Number - Number of buckets to utilize [Default: 10]
  • htmlTag - String - The HTML tag name (ie. 'span') that you would like to be used. [Default: 'span']
  • classPrefix - String - Class prefix for the tag classes that are generated [Default: 'bucket']
  • replacements - Array - An array of Documents which represent replacements that should occur on attributes.
    • Each document should be of the form: { find: 'valueToBeReplaced', replace: 'valueToBeInserted' }
    • This allows additional custom values to be inserted into attributes for further customization (ie. specifying conditional filters in URLs)
  • additionalAttributes - Document - A JSON document specifying any additional values that you would like to be added to the tag's HTML as an attribute [Default: {}]
    • If you would like to customize one of the fields to include the tag's text in the value, just use {{tag}} which will be replaced by the actual tag.
      • Example: {href: 'http://google.com?q={{tag}}'}
    • If your tags include special characters (ie. C#) and you need to use the tag in a URL, then you can specify the value as an Object
      • Example: { href : { encode : true, value: 'http://google.com?q={{tag}}' } }

tagCloud(array, options)

Returns a Promise<string> that resolves with the HTML string.

  • array - An array of JSON documents of the form {tagName: , count: }
  • options - (Optional) A JSON document specifying any of the options configuration object fields (shown above).

fromStrings(array, options)

Returns a Promise<string> that resolves with the HTML string.

Convenience method that converts your array of strings into the format needed to generate the word/tag cloud using the main tagCloud method listed above.

  • array - An array of strings
  • options - (Optional) A JSON document specifying any of the options configuration object fields (shown above).
tagCloud Example:

let tagCloud = require('tag-cloud');

let tags = [
    {tagName: 'js', count: 5},
    {tagName: 'css', count: 9},
    {tagName: 'less', count: 13},
    {tagName: 'rest', count: 2}

/* Option 1 */
const html = await tagCloud.tagCloud(tags);

/* Option 2 */
const html = await tagCloud.tagCloud(tags, {
    randomize: false

Options 1 and 2 above both print out:

null '<span class="bucket2" >js</span><span class="bucket4" >css</span><span class="bucket6" >less</span><span class="bucket0" >rest</span>'

The HTML can then be styled with CSS as such:

.bucket1 {
  color: red;

.bucket2 {
  color: blue;

.bucket3 {
  color: yellow;


Your tag cloud can be styled to look like this: Tag Cloud Example

To see the HTML and CSS used to create this, please look at the demo.


  • HTML Tag Cloud Generation
  • Customizable HTML Classes
  • Ability to add additional attributes to each HTML entity created
  • Randomization to keep the tag cloud interesting
  • Classes of the form 'bucket1' to allow for easy CSS styling and customization
  • Ability to serve the generated HTML out via a route
npm i tag-cloud


  • MIT
  • >=16
  • mrodrig
  • released 7/13/2024

