
Generate markdown tables from a list of objects or JSON data.
markdown table tables json convert generate ghfm tableify typescript and 1 more...

tablemark · Version License TypeScript GitHub Actions

Generate markdown tables from JSON data.

Renders arrays of objects as markdown tables, complete with configuration for renaming columns and left, center, or right-aligning them.


yarn add tablemark

# or

npm install tablemark


import tablemark from "tablemark"
  { name: "Bob", age: 21, isCool: false },
  { name: "Sarah", age: 22, isCool: true },
  { name: "Lee", age: 23, isCool: true }

// | Name  | Age   | Is cool |
// | :---- | :---- | :------ |
// | Bob   | 21    | false   |
// | Sarah | 22    | true    |
// | Lee   | 23    | true    |

... displays as:

Name Age Is cool
Bob 21 false
Sarah 22 true
Lee 23 true


tablemark (input: InputData, options?: TablemarkOptions): string


  • InputData input: the data to table-ify

    • an array of objects or iterables
  • TablemarkOptions options:

    key type default description
    columns Array<string | ColumnDescriptor> - Array of column descriptors.
    caseHeaders boolean true Sentence case headers derived from keys.
    toCellText (input: unknown) => string - Provide a custom "toString" function.
    padHeaderSeparator boolean true Whether to pad gutters of the header separator (alignment) row.
    wrapWidth number Infinity Wrap cell text at this length.
    wrapWithGutters boolean false Add sides (| <content> |) to wrapped rows.
    lineEnding string "\n" String used at end-of-line.

The columns array can either contain objects, in which case their name and align properties will be used to alter the display of the column in the table, or any other type which will be coerced to a string if necessary and used as a replacement for the column name.


string: the resulting markdown formatted table


TypeError: when input is not iterable (e.g., an array)
TypeError: when an unknown column alignment option is provided


    { name: "Bob", age: 21, isCool: false },
    { name: "Sarah", age: 22, isCool: true },
    { name: "Lee", age: 23, isCool: true }
    columns: [
      "first name",
      { name: "how old", align: "center" },
      "are they cool"

// | first name | how old | are they cool |
// | :--------- | :-----: | :------------ |
// | Bob        |   21    | false         |
// | Sarah      |   22    | true          |
// | Lee        |   23    | true          |

... displays as:

first name how old are they cool
Bob 21 false
Sarah 22 true
Lee 23 true


    { name: "Bob", age: 21, isCool: false },
    { name: "Sarah", age: 22, isCool: true },
    { name: "Lee", age: 23, isCool: true }
    columns: [{ align: "left" }, { align: "center" }, { align: "right" }]

// | first name | how old | are they cool |
// |:-----------|:-------:|--------------:|
// | Bob        |   21    | false         |
// | Sarah      |   22    | true          |
// | Lee        |   23    | true          |

... displays as:

first name how old are they cool
Bob 21 false
Sarah 22 true
Lee 23 true


    { name: "Bob", pet_owner: true, studying: false },
    { name: "Sarah", pet_owner: false, studying: true },
    { name: "Sarah", pet_owner: true, studying: true }
    columns: [{ align: "left" }, { align: "center" }, { align: "center" }]

function toCellText(v) {
  if (v === true) return "✔"
  if (!v) return ""
  return v

// | Name  | Pet owner | Studying |
// | :---- | :-------: | :------: |
// | Bob   |     ✔︎     |          |
// | Sarah |           |    ✔     |
// | Lee   |     ✔     |    ✔     |


Set options.wrapWidth to wrap any content at that length onto a new adjacent line:

    { star: false, name: "Benjamin" },
    { star: true, name: "Jet Li" }
  { wrapWidth: 5 }

// | Star  | Name  |
// | :---- | :---- |
// | false | Benja |
//           min
// | true  | Jet   |
//           Li

To output valid GitHub Flavored Markdown a cell must not contain newlines. Consider replacing those with <br /> (e.g., using options.toCellText).


Enable wrapWithGutters to add pipes on all lines:

    { star: false, name: "Benjamin" },
    { star: true, name: "Jet Li" }
  { wrapWidth: 5, wrapWithGutters: true }

// | Star  | Name  |
// | :---- | :---- |
// | false | Benja |
// |       | min   |
// | true  | Jet   |
// |       | Li    |

see also


Search the issues if you come across any trouble, open a new one if it hasn't been posted, or, if you're able, open a pull request. Contributions of any kind are welcome in this project.

The following people have already contributed their time and effort:

Thank you!


MIT © Bo Lingen / haltcase


  • MIT
  • >=14.16
  • Bo Lingen
  • released 10/26/2021

