
Back up PostgreSQL tables to S3 or disk.
database postgresql backup aws s3


Build Status

A PostgreSQL table snapshot tool for node.js.


Install it using npm:

$ npm install taara

Or get it directly from: http://github.com/macobo/taara


To use the library, you need to configure to use storage engine. At this time, the library supports on-disk backups as well as S3 Backups.

Using S3 storage

var taara = require('taara');

var storageEngine = new taara.S3StorageEngine('my-bucket', s3AuthParams);

s3AuthParams - See AWS SDK documentation for available options which are passed to new AWS.S3(): http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/latest/AWS/Config.html#constructor-property

Using on-disk storage

var storageEngine = new taara.FileSystemEngine('/path/to/backup/location');

Storing a snapshot of a table.

var pgAuth = {
    host: "localhost",
    port: 5432,
    user: "postgres",
    database: "postgres",
    password: "my-password"

// Stored along with the snapshot, can be later used during the restore process
var userMetadata = { my: "value" };

taara.storeSnapshot('events', userMetadata, pgAuth).then(function(storageMetadata) {
    var identifier = storageMetadata.identifier;
    console.log("Stored snapshot of", identifier.tablenames, "at", identifier.date);

The snapshot will be stored at snapshot/events_20160112-235323.snapshot (depending on date) and snapshot at metadata/events_20160112-235323.metadata.

Listing snapshots and fetching stored metadata.

    // Print out list of identifiers
    .tap(function(identifiers) {
        identifiers.forEach(function(identifier) {
            console.log("Snapshot of", identifier.tablenames, "was taken at", identifier.date);
    // And fetch metadata for one of the backups.
    .then(function(identifiers) {
        return taara.getMetadata(identifiers[0]));
    .then(function(storageMetadata) {
        console.log("identifier:", storageMetadata.identifier);
        console.log("stats:", storageMetadata.stats);
        console.log("user-provided metadata:", storageMetadata.metadata);

Restoring a snapshot

taara.restoreSnapshot(identifier, pgAuth)
    .then(function(storageMetadata) {
        console.log("Restored snapshot. identifier:", storageMetadata.identifier);

API Documentation


At Heap Analytics we use sharding, PostgreSQL and sharding extensively to store with our user data. As each shard is replicated, even if we lose a single database instance, we won't lose any data. However, if more databases than the replication factor should die, we'd need to deal with full-blown database restores simply to get at a few shards out of tens of thousands - something which is costly in terms of storage as well as time.

This library is an attempt to deal better with that problem - instead of making full-blown database backups, we store snapshots of tables on S3 with some Kafka metadata. Should shards "disappear" we can use the snapshot to restore the shards to a good state and replay all new events that that happened since using Kafka.


To setup, you need to install a few dependencies:

  • npm install -g typescript gulp
  • npm install

To compile and to do a test run:

  • docker-compose up -d - starts a database and fake_s3 instance. [1]
  • gulp test

[1]: More on Docker Compose here.

npm i taara


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Karl-Aksel Puulmann
  • released 1/12/2016

