
Automatically validate a value against the swagger schema while you build it. Alternatively you can validate the final value.
swagger response build compose validate

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Automatically validate a value against the swagger schema while you build it. Alternatively you can validate the final value.

To validate while building (enforce), this package requires support of the native Proxy interface. For NodeJS that means version 6.0.0 and newer. If your node version is lower than that you can still validate the final value (validate) but will be unable to enforce while building.



Example 1

Validate While Building (enforce)

const Enforcer = require('swagger-enforcer');

// a schema to enforce
const schema = {
    type: 'object',
    properties: {
        num: {
            type: 'number',
            minimum: 0
        str: {
            type: 'string',
            enum: ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'],
            default: 'foo'

// define swagger schema definitions
const definitions = {};

// define enforcer options
const options = { useDefaults: true };

// create enforcer instance that defines which rules to enforce
const enforcer = Enforcer(schema, definitions, options);

// build an object that enforces the schema
const obj = enforcer.enforce();

console.log(obj);       // { str: 'foo' } - this is because 'str' had a default value: 
obj.num = 5;            // validates successfully and value is set
obj.str = 'abc';        // throws an error because 'abc' is not in enum

Example 2

Validate the Final Value (validate)

const Enforcer = require('swagger-enforcer');

// a schema to enforce
const schema = {
    type: 'object',
    properties: {
        num: {
            type: 'number',
            minimum: 0
        str: {
            type: 'string',
            enum: ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'],
            default: 'foo'

// create enforcer instance that defines which rules to enforce
const enforcer = Enforcer(schema, {}, { useDefaults: true });

// build the object
const obj = {
    num: 5,
    str: 'abc'

// validate the object
enforcer.validate(schema, obj);  // throws an error because 'abc' is not in enum



Produce an enforcer instance that can enforce a swagger schema while you build the object and/or that validates the object after it is built.

Signature: Enforcer (schema [, definitions [, options ] ]) : Enforcer


  • schema - The swagger schema to use for enforcement of values.

  • definitions - An object containing definitions by name. Definitions are only necessary if using discriminators.

        Pet: {
            type: 'object',
            discriminator: 'petType',
            properties: {
                name: {
                    type: 'string'
                petType: {
                    type: 'string'
            required: ['name', 'petType']
        Cat: {
            type: 'object',
            allOf: [
                    $ref: '#/definitions/Pet'
                    type: 'object',
                    properties: {
                        name: {
                            type: 'string'
                        petType: {
                            type: 'string'
                        huntingSkill: {
                            type: string
  • options - Enforcement options. Defaults to:

        autoFormat: false,
        enforce: {
            enum: true,
            maxItems: true,
            minItems: false,
            uniqueItems: true,
            multipleOf: true,
            maximum: true,
            minimum: true,
            maxLength: true,
            minLength: true,
            pattern: true,
            additionalProperties: true,
            maxProperties: true,
            minProperties: false,
            required: false
        useDefaults: false

Returns - An enforcer instance with the following prototype methods: Enforcer.prototype.enforce and Enforcer.prototype.validate.

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Validate an object while you build it.

This method requires that your running a version of JavaScript that supports the native Proxy interface.

Signature: .enforce ( [ initial ]) : *


  • initial - An optional value to initialize the enforcement with.

Returns - A proxied object or array if the schema is for an object or an array. Any modifications to the object or array will automatically be run through a performance optimized validation sequence. If the schema is for a non-object or non-array then the value cannot be proxied.

Example - See Example 1

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Validate a value as if it were fully built. An array is returned with any errors that were encountered.

Signature: .errors ( value ) : Error[]


  • value - An value to validate.

Returns - An array of Error objects.

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Validate a value as if it were fully built. If validation fails then an error will be thrown.

Signature: .validate ( value ) : undefined


  • value - An value to validate.

Returns - Undefined. If validation fails then an error will be thrown.

Example - See Example 2

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Build an unenforced object from a schema's x-template definitions, applying parameters to the templates to to generate valid values.

Signature: Enforcer.applyTemplate ( schema, definitions, params [, options, [, initialValue ] ] ) : object


  • schema - The schema to build objects from.

  • definitions - The swagger definitions object. This is necessary if using discriminators, otherwise it can safely be set to an empty object {} or null.

  • params - An object defining key value pairs for parameter enforcement.

  • options - The options to use while building the object:

    • autoFormat - Any value set using x-variable will will automatically by type cast and formatted when possible to match the schema. Defaults to true.

    • defaultsUseParams - If applying useDefaults is set to true and this property is set to true then parameter replacement will also be set for defaults. Defaults to true.

    • ignoreMissingRequired - If set to false and any requires are missing in the schema then that part of the template will not be stampped. Defaults to true

    • replacement - Set the parameter replacement style to one of colon, doubleHandlebar, handlebar, or a custom Function. Defaults to handlebar.

    • useDefaults - Set to true to use default property in addition to x-template property to generate templates. Defaults to true.

    • useTemplates - Set to true to use the x-template property to produce string replacements. Defaults to true.

    • useVariables - Set to true to use the x-variable property to place values. Defaults to true.

  • initialValue - An optional value to start building the object from. If provided it must match the schema's type.

Returns - An unenforced object with the template applied.


const schema = {
    type: 'object',
    properties: {
        firstName: {
            type: 'string',
            'x-template': '{firstName}'
        fullName: {
            type: 'string',
            'x-template': '{firstName} {lastName}'
        lastName: {
            type: 'string',
            'x-template': '{lastName}'
        birthday: {
            type: 'string',
            format: 'date',
            'x-variable': 'birthday'
        roles: {
            type: 'array',
            items: {
                type: 'string'
            default: []

const params = {
    birthday: new Date(),
    firstName: 'Bob',
    lastName: 'Smith'

const x = Enforcer.applyTemplate(schema, null, params);

console.log(x);         //  {
                        //      firstName: 'Bob',
                        //      fullName: 'Bob Smith',
                        //      lastName: 'Smith',
                        //      birthday: '2000-01-01'
                        //      roles: []
                        //  }

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An object that has the defaults to use for the applyTemplate. The defaults can be overwritten for this object and those changes may affect any future calls to Enforcer.applyTemplate.

Enforcer.applyTemplate.defaults = {
    autoFormat: true,
    defaultsUseParams: true,
    useDefaults: true,
    useTemplates: true,
    useVariables: true,
    replacement: 'handlebar'

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A static method that will find and replace string parameters with new values.

Signature: Enforcer.injectParameters( value, parameters [, options ]) : undefined


  • value - The value to begin traversing and looking for strings to replace.

  • parameters - An object with keys and values that represent what to replace in each string.

  • options - Configuration options:

    • mutate - Set to true to mutate the passed in object, otherwise generate a copy. Defaults to false.

    • replacement - The replacement method to use. This can be one of colon, doubleHandlebar, handlebar, or a custom Function. Defaults to handlebar.

Returns the value after parameter injection.


const o = {
    foo: '{name} is {age} years old {when}'

const params = {
    name: 'Bob',
    age: 25,
    when: 'today'

const x = Enforcer.injectParameters(o, params);

console.log(x.foo);         // 'Bob is 25 years old today'

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An object that has the defaults to use for the parameterInjection. The defaults can be overwritten for this object and those changes may affect any future calls to Enforcer.injectParameters.

Enforcer.injectParameters.defaults = {
    mutate: false,
    replacement: 'handlebar'


A group of static methods that determine if a value falls into one of several categories.


Check to see if a string is an 8-bit binary string consisting only of 0 and 1.

Signature: Enforcer.is.binary( value ) : boolean


  • value - The value to test.

Returns: true if a binary string, otherwise false.

Enforcer.is.binary('00101000');    // true

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Check to see if a string equals 'true' or 'false'.

Signature: Enforcer.is.boolean( value ) : boolean


  • value - The value to test.

Returns: true if 'true' or 'false', otherwise false.

Enforcer.is.boolean('true');    // true

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Check to see if a string is a base64 encoded string.

Signature: Enforcer.is.base64( value ) : boolean


  • value - The value to test.

Returns: true if a base64 encoded string, otherwise false.

Enforcer.is.byte('aGVsbG8=');    // true

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Check to see if a string is a date string.

Signature: Enforcer.is.date( value ) : boolean


  • value - The value to test.

Returns: true if a string in the date format YYYY-MM-DD, otherwise false.

Enforcer.is.date('2000-01-01');    // true

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Check to see if a string is a date-time encoded string.

Signature: Enforcer.is.dateTime( value ) : boolean


  • value - The value to test.

Returns: true if a date in ISO string format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss:uuuZ, otherwise false.

Enforcer.is.dateTime('2000-01-01T00:00:00.000Z');    // true

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Check to see if a string is an integer encoded string.

Signature: Enforcer.is.integer( value ) : boolean


  • value - The value to test.

Returns: true if the string is an encoded integer, otherwise false.

Enforcer.is.integer('15');    // true

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Check to see if a string is an number encoded string.

Signature: Enforcer.is.number( value ) : boolean


  • value - The value to test.

Returns: true if the string is an encoded number, otherwise false.

Enforcer.is.number('15.27');    // true

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Take an enforced object and get it's equivalent non-enforced object.

Signature: Enforcer.release( value ) : *


  • value - The value to release from enforcement.

Returns: The released value.

const Enforcer = require('swagger-enforcer');

const enforcer = Enforcer();

const schema = {
    type: 'array',
    items: {
        type: 'number'

const array = enforcer.enforce(schema, []);

try {
    // throws an error because the item is not a string
} catch (e) {

// release the enforcement
const released = Enforcer.release(array);

// no error thrown

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Check to see if two values are similar, including the evaluation of objects and arrays.

Signature: Enforcer.is.same( value1, value2 ) : boolean


  • value1 - The first value to compare.

  • value2 - The second value to compare.

Returns: true if both values are similar, otherwise false.

Enforcer.same({ a: 1, b: 2 }, { b: 2, a: 1 });    // true

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A group of static methods that can be used to convert values into their acceptable swagger type equivalents.


Convert a value into an 8-bit binary string.

Signature: Enforcer.to.binary( value ) : string


  • value - The value to convert. The value can be a boolean, number, string, or buffer.

Returns: An 8-bit binary string.

Enforcer.to.binary(1);    // '00000001'

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Convert a value into a boolean.

Signature: Enforcer.to.boolean( value ) : string


  • value - The value to convert. The value can be of any type.

Returns: A boolean.

Enforcer.to.boolean('hello');    // true

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Convert a value into an base64 encoded string.

Signature: Enforcer.to.byte( value ) : string


  • value - The value to convert. The value can be a boolean, number, string, or buffer.

Returns: A base64 encoded string.

Enforcer.to.byte('hello');    // 'aGVsbG8='

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Convert a value into a date encoded string.

Signature: Enforcer.to.date( value ) : string


  • value - The value to convert. The value can be a Date, number, or string.

Returns: A date encoded string of the format YYYY-MM-DD.

Enforcer.to.date(new Date(2000, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0));    // '2000-01-01'

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Convert a value into a date encoded string.

Signature: Enforcer.to.dateTime( value ) : string


  • value - The value to convert. The value can be a Date, number, or string.

Returns: A date encoded string of the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss:uuuZ.

Enforcer.to.dateTime(new Date(2000, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0));    // '2000-01-01T00:00:00.000Z'

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Convert a value into an integer.

Signature: Enforcer.to.integer( value ) : string


  • value - The value to convert. The value can be a boolean, number, or numeric string.

Returns: A number that is an integer.

Enforcer.to.integer('15');    // 15

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Convert a value into an number.

Signature: Enforcer.to.number( value ) : string


  • value - The value to convert. The value can be a boolean, number, or numeric string.

Returns: A number.

Enforcer.to.number('1.23');    // 1.23

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Enforcement Options

The following object shows the defaults for enforcement:

    autoFormat: false,
    enforce: {
        enum: true,
        maxItems: true,
        minItems: false,
        uniqueItems: true,
        multipleOf: true,
        maximum: true,
        minimum: true,
        maxLength: true,
        minLength: true,
        pattern: true,
        additionalProperties: true,
        maxProperties: true,
        minProperties: false,
        required: false
    useDefaults: false

Below is an explanation of each option:

  • autoFormat - Whether to attempt to convert any values being set to their appropriate types. For example, if a schema expects a string of format date-time and this option is set to true then you can set the schema using a Date object and that object will automatically be converted to a string in date-time format. The advantage of using this is that it means you can skip to explicit use of the conversion to api but the disadvantage is that it may obscure some errors if the conversion shouldn't have happened. Defaults to false.

  • enforce - An object specifying the validation rules to enforce while building or validating a schema. If this value is set to true then all enforcement properties will be set to true. Conversely, if this value is set to false then all enforcement properties will be set to false. Some properties default to being disabled (false) because they would make it hard to build an object that is under active enforcement.

    General Enforcement

    • enum - Enforce that any values added match an item in the enum. Defaults to true.

    Array Enforcement

    • maxItems - Enforce that the array is not populated above its maxItems threshold. Defaults to true.

    • minItems - Enforce that the array is never smaller than its minItems threshold. Defaults to false.

    • uniqueItems - Enforce that each item in the array is always unique. Enabling this option may significantly increase processing time (more so for nested objects and arrays). Defaults to true.

    Number and Integer Enforcement

    • multipleOf - Enforce multipleOf validation for numbers and integers. Defaults to true.

    • maximum - Enforce maximum validation for numbers and integers. Defaults to true.

    • minimum - Enforce minimum validation for numbers and integers. Defaults to true.

    String Enforcement

    • maxLength - Enforce maxLength validation. Defaults to true.

    • minLength - Enforce minLength validation for numbers and integers. Defaults to true.

    • pattern - Enforce pattern matching. Defaults to true.

    Object Enforcement

    • additionalProperties - Enforce additional property validation. Defaults to true.

    • maxProperties - Enforce maxProperties validation. Defaults to true.

    • minProperties - Enforce minProperties validation for numbers and integers. Defaults to false.

    • required - Enforce that required properties are set. Defaults to false.

  • useDefaults - Whether to use default values to build out the swagger response object automatically, as much as possible. Defaults to false.


