
Svelte component library for highlighting code using highlight.js
svelte svelte components highlight.js syntax highlight


NPM npm

Syntax highlighting for Svelte using highlight.js.

Try it in StackBlitz.


The Changelog is available on GitHub.


# npm
npm i -D svelte-highlight

# pnpm
pnpm i -D svelte-highlight highlight.js

# Bun
bun i -D svelte-highlight

# Yarn
yarn add -D svelte-highlight

Note that pnpm users must also install highlight.js.

Basic Usage

The Highlight component requires two props:

  • code: text to highlight
  • language: language grammar used to highlight the text

Import languages from svelte-highlight/languages.

See for a list of supported languages.

  import Highlight from "svelte-highlight";
  import typescript from "svelte-highlight/languages/typescript";

  const code = "const add = (a: number, b: number) => a + b;";

<Highlight language={typescript} {code} />


Import styles from svelte-highlight/styles. See for a list of supported styles.

There are two ways to apply highlight.js styles.

  1. Injected styles through svelte:head
  2. CSS StyleSheets

Injected Styles

This component exports highlight.js themes in JavaScript. Import the theme from svelte-highlight/styles and inject it using the svelte:head API.

  import Highlight from "svelte-highlight";
  import typescript from "svelte-highlight/languages/typescript";
  import github from "svelte-highlight/styles/github";

  const code = "const add = (a: number, b: number) => a + b;";

  {@html github}

<Highlight language={typescript} {code} />

CSS StyleSheet

Depending on your set-up, importing a CSS StyleSheet in Svelte may require a CSS file loader. SvelteKit/Vite automatically supports this. For Webpack, refer to examples/webpack.

  import { Highlight } from "svelte-highlight";
  import typescript from "svelte-highlight/languages/typescript";
  import "svelte-highlight/styles/github.css";

  const code = "const add = (a: number, b: number) => a + b;";

<Highlight language={typescript} {code} />

Linking from a CDN

CSS StyleSheets can also be externally linked from a Content Delivery Network (CDN) like

[!WARNING] Using a CDN is best suited for prototyping and not recommended for production use.





Svelte Syntax Highlighting

Use the HighlightSvelte component for Svelte syntax highlighting.

  import { HighlightSvelte } from "svelte-highlight";
  import github from "svelte-highlight/styles/github";

  const code = `<button on:click={() => { console.log(0); }}>Increment {count}</button>`;

  {@html github}

<HighlightSvelte {code} />


The HighlightAuto component uses the highlightAuto API and attempts to guess what grammar to use based on the provided code.

[!WARNING] Auto-highlighting will result in a larger bundle size. Specify a language if possible.

  import { HighlightAuto } from "svelte-highlight";
  import github from "svelte-highlight/styles/github";

  const code = `body {\n  padding: 0;\n  color: red;\n}`;

  {@html github}

<HighlightAuto {code} />

Line Numbers

Use the LineNumbers component to render the highlighted code with line numbers.

  import Highlight, { LineNumbers } from "svelte-highlight";
  import typescript from "svelte-highlight/languages/typescript";
  import atomOneDark from "svelte-highlight/styles/atom-one-dark";

  const code = "const add = (a: number, b: number) => a + b";

  {@html atomOneDark}

<Highlight language={typescript} {code} let:highlighted>
  <LineNumbers {highlighted} />

Hidden Border

Set hideBorder to true to hide the border of the line numbers column.

<Highlight language={typescript} {code} let:highlighted>
  <LineNumbers {highlighted} hideBorder />

Wrapped Lines

By default, overflowing horizontal content is contained by a scrollbar.

Set wrapLines to true to hide the border of the line numbers column.

<Highlight language={typescript} {code} let:highlighted>
  <LineNumbers {highlighted} wrapLines />

Custom Starting Line Number

The line number starts at 1. Customize this via the startingLineNumber prop.

<Highlight language={typescript} {code} let:highlighted>
  <LineNumbers {highlighted} startingLineNumber={42} />

Highlighted Lines

Specify the lines to highlight using the highlightedLines prop. Indices start at zero.

Use --highlighted-background to customize the background color of highlighted lines.

<Highlight language={typescript} {code} let:highlighted>
    highlightedLines={[0, 2, 3, 14]}

Custom Styles

Use --style-props to customize styles.

Style prop Description Default value
--line-number-color Text color of the line numbers currentColor
--border-color Border color of the column of line numbers currentColor
--padding-left Left padding for td elements 1em
--padding-right Right padding for td elements 1em
--highlighted-background Background color of highlighted lines rgba(254, 241, 96, 0.2)
<Highlight language={typescript} {code} let:highlighted>
    --border-color="rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2)"

Language Targeting

All Highlight components apply a data-language attribute on the codeblock containing the language name.

See for a list of supported languages.

[data-language="css"] {
  /* custom style rules */

Language Tags

Set langtag to true to display the language name in the top right corner of the code block.

Customize the language tag background, color, and border-radius using style props.

See the Languages page for a list of supported languages.

Style prop Description Default value
--langtag-top Top position of the langtag 0
--langtag-right Right position of the langtag 0
--langtag-background Background color of the langtag inherit
--langtag-color Text color of the langtag inherit
--langtag-border-radius Border radius of the langtag 0
--langtag-padding Padding of the langtag 1em
  import { HighlightAuto } from "svelte-highlight";

  $: code = `.body { padding: 0; margin: 0; }`;

<HighlightAuto {code} langtag />
  --langtag-background="linear-gradient(135deg, #2996cf, 80%, white)"

Custom Language

For custom language highlighting, pass a name and register function to the language prop.

Refer to the highlight.js language definition guide for guidance.

  import { Highlight } from "svelte-highlight";
  import hljs from "highlight.js";

  const language = {
    name: "custom-language",
    register: (hljs) => {
      return {
        /** custom language rules */
        contains: [],

<Highlight {language} code="..." />


You can use the await import syntax for code-splitting.

In the example below, the HighlightAuto component and injected styles are dynamically loaded.

  import { onMount } from "svelte";

  let component;
  let styles;

  onMount(async () => {
    component = (await import("svelte-highlight")).HighlightAuto;
    styles = (await import("svelte-highlight/styles/github")).default;

  {#if styles}
    {@html styles}

  code={`body {\n  padding: 0;\n  color: red;\n}`}

Component API



Name Type Default value
code any N/A (required)
language { name: string; register: hljs => object } N/A (required)
langtag boolean false

$$restProps are forwarded to the top-level pre element.

Dispatched Events

  • on:highlight: fired after code is highlighted
  on:highlight={(e) => {
     * The highlighted HTML as a string.
     * @example "<span>...</span>"



Name Type Default value
highlighted string N/A (required)
hideBorder boolean false
wrapLines boolean false
startingLineNumber number 1
highlightedLines number[] []

$$restProps are forwarded to the top-level div element.



Name Type Default value
code any N/A (required)
langtag boolean false

$$restProps are forwarded to the top-level pre element.

Dispatched Events

  • on:highlight: fired after code is highlighted
  on:highlight={(e) => {
     * The highlighted HTML as a string.
     * @example "<span>...</span>"



Name Type Default value
code any N/A (required)
langtag boolean false

$$restProps are forwarded to the top-level pre element.

Dispatched Events

  • on:highlight: fired after code is highlighted
  on:highlight={(e) => {
     * The highlighted HTML as a string.
     * @example "<span>...</span>"

     * The inferred language name
     * @example "css"

Supported Languages

Supported Styles





npm i svelte-highlight


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Eric Liu
  • released 7/15/2024

