
Svelte component that renders its children with lifecycle hooks to simplify testing
svelte testing ui unit functional


A svelte component that renders its children with lifecycle hooks.

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Declarative version of Svelte component inspired by reach-ui/component-component.


Because sometimes (within tests) you want a lifecycle or some state but don't want to create a new component.

This is most likely only useful for libraries like svelte-jsx or svelte-htm.


npm install svelte-fragment-component

And then import it:

// using es modules
import Fragment from 'svelte-fragment-component'

// common.js
const Fragment = require('svelte-fragment-component')

Or use script tags and globals (UNPKG | jsDelivr).

<!-- UNPKG -->
<script src=""></script>

<!-- jsDelivr -->
<script src=""></script>

  <!-- And then grab it off the global like so: -->
  const Fragment = svelteFragment

Hotlinking from unpkg: (no build tool needed!)

import Fragment from ''


The examples below are using svelte-jsx for the jsx syntax support.

import Fragment from 'svelte-fragment-component'

const Lifecycle = (
    onCreate={() => {}}
    onMount={() => {}}
    beforeUpdate={() => {}}
    afterUpdate={() => {}}
    onDestroy={() => {}}
    some content

This allows to simplify testing of context API:

import Fragment from 'svelte-fragment-component'
import { setContext } from 'svelte'

const Lifecycle = (
    onCreate={() => {
      setContext('some context key', theValue)
    children can now access this context value

// or using the context property
const Lifecycle = (
  <Fragment context={{ 'some context key': theValue }}>
    children can now access this context value


The component renders only the default slot children.


All properties are optional.

  • context: an key-value object where each pair is passed to setContext

Except for onCreate these functions are passed to their corresponding svelte lifecycle method and have the same call signature ({ props }): void where props are the $$restProps:

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This project is free and open-source, so if you think this project can help you or anyone else, you may star it on GitHub. Feel free to open an issue if you have any idea, question, or you've found a bug.


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We are following the Conventional Commits convention.


  • npm test: Run test suite
  • npm run build: Generate bundles
  • npm run lint: Lints code

NPM Statistics



svelte-fragment-component is open source software licensed as MIT.

npm i svelte-fragment-component


  • MIT
  • >=10
  • Sascha Tandel
  • released 7/13/2020

