
Gatsby starter for creating a summer road trip app!
gatsby sass leaflet mapping maps

πŸ—ΊοΈ Summer Road Trip!

This is a demo of a Gatsby app running Leaflet to

⚑ Quick Start

Deploy to Netlify

Deploy your own! Once it's ready, you can change the name and content within your own repository.

🧰 What This Includes

πŸš€ Getting Started



yarn global add gatsby-cli
  • Inside the directory of your choice, scaffold a new Gatsby site:
gatsby new [directory]

For example, if I want my installation in ~/Code/new-gatsby-site, I would navigate to ~/Code and run:

gatsby new new-gatsby-site
  • Navigate to your new directory and run:
yarn develop
  • You should now be running your summer road trip app locally! πŸŽ‰

Configuring Your Road Trip

Updating the name

In gatsby-config.js, you can update the title and the githubUrl. Doing this will update the the header of our road trip site.

Updating the trip locations

In src/data/locations.js, you can add, remove, or update the objects inside of the locations object.

The image property isn't required, but to utilize it, you can either import a local image like in the starter or you can use a URL to an external file.

npm i summer-road-trip


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Colby Fayock
  • released 3/18/2020

