
A stylelint plugin to help with itcss architecture
stylelint stylelint-plugin itcss css


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Installation and usage

npm install --save-dev stylelint stylelint-itcss
yarn add --dev stylelint stylelint-itcss

Create the .stylelintrc.json config file (or open the existing one), add stylelint-itcss to the plugins array and the rules you need to the rules list. All rules from stylelint-itcss need to be namespaced with itcss.

Please refer to stylelint docs for the detailed info on using this linter.


⚠️ All rules are "strict" be default, but all rules accept an option ignoreLayers to disable them for specific layer(s) (there's a detailed explanation for each layers in this article).

Rule ID Description
no-at-important Disallow the use of !important
no-variable-declaration Disallow the declaration of variables
no-mixin-declaration Disallow the declaration of mixins (SASS only)
npm i stylelint-itcss


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Benjamin JEGARD
  • released 2/21/2020

