
A client library for fetching and transforming markup from Google Documents


A client library for fetching and transforming markup from Google Documents


npm install structured-google-docs-client


import structuredGoogleDoc from 'structured-google-docs-client'; // or const structuredGoogleDoc = require('structured-google-docs-client');

const content = await structuredGoogleDoc(googleDocId, { transform: transformationFunction });

You will need to add a file named .env to your project folder with the following secret variables (generate these from when you create a service account with authorized access to the Google Drive API):

  • PRIVATE_KEY (private key needs to be base 64 encoded)

Do NOT add this file to version control.

Structuring your Google Doc

You should share your document with the account specified in your .env file.

Links, text formatting and headings will carry over into the returned markup.

Anything in the document after the characters ###### (6 hash symbols) at the start of a paragraph will not be returned.

To take advantage of the transform feature (a function to transform the pattern [[[ contentReference ]]] [[ annotation | label]] into custom markup):

  • Wrap the contentReference in three square brackets [[[bit of document]]].
  • Follow that with an annotation wrapped in two square brackets [[annotation]]
  • The label gets added at the end, separated from the annotation by a pipe | character.


[[[We, the citizens of America are now joined in a great national effort to rebuild our country and to restore its promise for all of our people.]]] [[Inaugurals in the past have tended to start with a call for unity. President Trump does that again here with his vow to "restore promise for all".|Author Name]]

You can also include markup directly into your Google Doc by wrapping your markup between two sets of ``` symbols.


Normal text goes here.

<div id="square"></div>


Other normal text goes here.


structuredGoogleDoc(googleDocId, [options])

Fetches the HTML of a Google Doc and returns a promise


String (required). A valid Google Doc ID


Plain object (optional).

  • transform: A function that takes in three arguments (contentReference, annotation, label) and returns a string. To use this feature, you should wrap your text in the following in your Google Doc text: [[[content reference]]] [[annotation | label]]


