
Generate an systemd job using the provided parameters.


Generate an systemd service using the provided parameters.


npm install strong-service-systemd

Basic Usage

var fs = require('fs');
var systemd = require('strong-service-systemd');

// Generate systemd service for my-app
systemd({name: 'my-app'}, function(err, service) {
  fs.writeFile('/etc/systemd/system/my-app.service', service, function(err) {
    if (err) return console.error(err);

// Also supports synchronous mode
fs.writeFileSync('/etc/systemd/system/my-app.service', systemd({name: 'my-app'}));


This module supports a subset of those used in the node-linux templates:

  • name - name of service. name is an alias for label and servicesummary.
  • description - multi-word description of service. description is an alias for servicedescription.
  • author - sets author field of systemd job (defaults to current user)
  • cwd - working directory to run service from (defaults to /)
  • user - user to run service as (defaults to nodbody)
  • group - group to run service as (defaults to nogroup)
  • execpath - path to binary to executable
  • script - arguments to execpath (such as a script)
  • created - timestamp used in generated job (defaults to current time)
  • env - environment variables to set in systemd job
  • template - override internal template

Template Format

Templates use _.template from Lodash using EJS style syntax: <%= option %>.

