
clustering of applications on top of message queues

strong-mq: Clustering of Applications on Top of Message Queues

DO NOT USE THIS: This code is an attempt to build a common API over multiple message queues so as to allow deploy time selection of the MQ to use. In practice, no one does this, they always know the MQ they are going to use. Also, this module by necessity exposes a subset of the underlying MQ libraries capabilities, so it is perpetually not working as desired.

Use one of these directly:


strong-mq is an abstraction layer over common message distribution patterns, and several different message queue implementations, including cluster-native messaging.

It allows applications to be written against a single message queue style API, and then deployed either singly, or as a cluster, with deploy-time configuration of the messaging provider. Providers include native node clustering, allowing no-dependency deployment during test and development. Support for other providers is on-going, and 3rd parties will be able to add pluggable support for new message queue platforms.


% npm install strong-mq
% npm test

Multiple Versions of strong-mq Being Initialized

If you get an assert during require of strong-mq about multiple versions being initialized, then some of the modules you are depending on use strong-mq, but do not specify it as a peerDependency. See strongloop/strong-cluster-connect-store as an example of how to correctly specify a dependency on strong-mq in a module. An application can depend on strong-mq with a normal dependency.


An example of connecting to a server and listening on a work queue:

var connection = require('strong-mq')

var push = connection.createPushQueue('todo-items');
push.publish({job: 'clean pool'});

var pull = connection.createPullQueue('todo-items');
pull.subscribe(function(msg) {
    console.log('TODO:', msg);


npm i strong-mq

