
string_format is a small JavaScript utility which adds a `format` method to strings
string sprintf print python format string format


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A small JavaScript library for formatting strings. It's inspired by and modelled on Python's str.format().

When format is invoked on a string, placeholders within the string are replaced with values determined by the arguments provided. A placeholder is a sequence of characters beginning with { and ending with }.


npm install string_format


format(template, $0, $1, …, $N)


For more examples see test page




Placeholders may contain numbers which refer to positional arguments:

'{0}, you have {1} unread message{2}'.format('Holly', 2, 's');
// 'Holly, you have 2 unread messages'

Unmatched placeholders produce no output:

'{0}, you have {1} unread message{2}'.format('Steve', 1);
// 'Steve, you have 1 unread messageundefined'

A format string may reference a positional argument multiple times:

'{0} x {0} x {0} = {1}'.format(3, 3 * 3 *3);
// '3 x 3 x 3 = 27'

Positional arguments may be referenced implicitly:

'{}, you have {} unread message'.format('Steve', 1);
// 'Steve, you have 1 unread message'

A format string must not contain both implicit and explicit references:

'My name is {} {}. Do you like the name {0}?'.format('Lemony', 'Snicket');
// ValueError: cannot switch from implicit to explicit numbering

{{ and }} in format strings produce { and }:

'{{}} creates an empty {} in {}'.format('dictionary', 'Python');
// '{} creates an empty dictionary in Python'

Dot notation may be used to reference object properties:

var bobby = {
   first_name: 'Bobby', 
   last_name: 'Fischer'

var garry = {
   first_name: 'Garry',
   last_name: 'Kasparov'

'{0.first_name} {0.last_name} vs. {1.first_name} {1.last_name}'.format(bobby, garry)
// 'Bobby Fischer vs. Garry Kasparov'

When referencing the first positional argument, 0. may be omitted:

var repo = {
   owner    : 'pypy', 
   slug     : 'pypy', 
   followers: [1, 2, 3]

'{owner}/{slug} has {followers.length} followers'.format(repo);
// 'pypy/pypy has 3 followers'

If the referenced property is a method, it is invoked and the result is used as the replacement string:

var me = {
   name: 'David',
   dob: new Date

'{name} was born in {dob.getFullYear}'.format(me);
// 'David was born in 2015'

'{pop}'.format(['one', 'two', 'three']);
// three


'{0[1]}'.format([0, 1]); 
// 1

// 1

'{0[1]} {1[1]}'.format([0, 1], [0, 2]));
// 1 2

'{0[1][1][1]}'.format([0, [0, [2, [3]]]]);
// 3

'{0[1]()}'.format([0, function () {
    return 1;
// 1

'{0[1](1)[1][1]}'.format([0, function (value) {
    return [0, [0, value]];
// 1

'{0[1](1)[1][1]}:{1[1][1][1]}:{2}:{3.method[1]}'.format([0, function (value) {
   return [0, [0, value]];
[0, [0, [2, [3]]]], 2, {
   method: [0, [1]]
// 1:3:2:1


// {

// {}

// {123}


'{0}'.format(function () {
   return 1;
// 1

{0()}'.format(function () {
   return 1;
// 1

   function () {
       return 1;
   function () {
       return 1;
// 11

'{0(1)}'.format(function (value) {
   return value;
// 1

'{0()()}'.format(function () {
   return function () {
       return 1;
// 1

'{0(1)(2)[1][1]}:{1}'.format(function (a) {
   return function (b) {
       return [0, [1, a + b]];
}, 1);

// 3:1


'{0.method[1]}'.format({ method: [0, 1] });
// 1

   method: function (x) {
       return x;
// 1

'{object.method(1, 2)}'.format({
   object: {
       method: function (a, b) {
           return a + b;

// 3

   method: [function () {
       return 1;
// 1

   method: [function (value) {
       return value;
// 1

'{object.method[1]} + {object2.method[1]} = 2'.format({
    object : {
        method: [0, 1]
    object2: {
        method: [0, 1]
}, 2);
// 1 + 1 = 2

'{0.method(1, 2)}'.format({
   method: function (a, b) {
       return a + b;
// 3

'{0.method(1, 2)(3, 4)}'.format({
   method: function (a, b) {
       return function (c, d) {
           return a + b + c + d;

// 10

'{0.method(0)(1)[0][1](1, 2)}'.format({
   method: function (a) {
       return function (b) {
           return [[0, function (c, d) {
               return a + b + c + d;

// 4

Undefined values

// null

// undefined


npm test



  • Unknown
  • 0.10.x
  • Alexander Guinness
  • released 8/11/2014

