
Finds degree of similarity between strings, based on Dice's Coefficient, which is mostly better than Levenshtein distance.
strings similar difference similarity compare comparison degree match matching and 3 more...


Finds degree of similarity between two strings, based on Dice's Coefficient, which is mostly better than Levenshtein distance.

Table of Contents


For Node.js

Install using:

npm install string-similarity --save

In your code:

var stringSimilarity = require("string-similarity");

var similarity = stringSimilarity.compareTwoStrings("healed", "sealed");

var matches = stringSimilarity.findBestMatch("healed", [

For browser apps

Include <script src="//"></script> to get the latest version.

Or <script src="//[email protected]/umd/string-similarity.min.js"></script> to get a specific version (4.0.1) in this case.

This exposes a global variable called stringSimilarity which you can start using.

  stringSimilarity.compareTwoStrings('what!', 'who?');

(The package is exposed as UMD, so you can consume it as such)


The package contains two methods:

compareTwoStrings(string1, string2)

Returns a fraction between 0 and 1, which indicates the degree of similarity between the two strings. 0 indicates completely different strings, 1 indicates identical strings. The comparison is case-sensitive.

  1. string1 (string): The first string
  2. string2 (string): The second string

Order does not make a difference.


(number): A fraction from 0 to 1, both inclusive. Higher number indicates more similarity.

stringSimilarity.compareTwoStrings("healed", "sealed");
// → 0.8

  "Olive-green table for sale, in extremely good condition.",
  "For sale: table in very good  condition, olive green in colour."
// → 0.6060606060606061

  "Olive-green table for sale, in extremely good condition.",
  "For sale: green Subaru Impreza, 210,000 miles"
// → 0.2558139534883721

  "Olive-green table for sale, in extremely good condition.",
  "Wanted: mountain bike with at least 21 gears."
// → 0.1411764705882353

findBestMatch(mainString, targetStrings)

Compares mainString against each string in targetStrings.

  1. mainString (string): The string to match each target string against.
  2. targetStrings (Array): Each string in this array will be matched against the main string.

(Object): An object with a ratings property, which gives a similarity rating for each target string, a bestMatch property, which specifies which target string was most similar to the main string, and a bestMatchIndex property, which specifies the index of the bestMatch in the targetStrings array.

stringSimilarity.findBestMatch('Olive-green table for sale, in extremely good condition.', [
  'For sale: green Subaru Impreza, 210,000 miles',
  'For sale: table in very good condition, olive green in colour.',
  'Wanted: mountain bike with at least 21 gears.'
// →
{ ratings:
   [ { target: 'For sale: green Subaru Impreza, 210,000 miles',
       rating: 0.2558139534883721 },
     { target: 'For sale: table in very good condition, olive green in colour.',
       rating: 0.6060606060606061 },
     { target: 'Wanted: mountain bike with at least 21 gears.',
       rating: 0.1411764705882353 } ],
   { target: 'For sale: table in very good condition, olive green in colour.',
     rating: 0.6060606060606061 },
  bestMatchIndex: 1

Release Notes


  • Removed production dependencies
  • Updated to ES6 (this breaks backward-compatibility for pre-ES6 apps)


  • Performance improvement for compareTwoStrings(..): now O(n) instead of O(n^2)
  • The algorithm has been tweaked slightly to disregard spaces and word boundaries. This will change the rating values slightly but not enough to make a significant difference
  • Adding a bestMatchIndex to the results for findBestMatch(..) to point to the best match in the supplied targetStrings array


  • Refactoring: removed unused functions; used substring instead of substr
  • Updated dependencies


  • Distributing as an UMD build to be used in browsers.


  • Update dependencies to latest versions.


  • Make compatible with IE and ES5. Also, update deps. (see PR56)


  • Simplify some conditional statements. Also, update deps. (see PR50)

Build status Known Vulnerabilities

npm i string-similarity


  • ISC
  • Whatever
  • Akash Kurdekar
  • released 1/6/2021

