
Prints statistics from the incoming web log stream to the console
web log stats stream statistics view

view on npm npm module downloads Dependency Status js-standard-style


Presents a dynamic view of the incoming common log format data to the console. The view is refreshed as new data streams in.


Mac / Linux users may need to run the install commands with sudo.

As a library

Move into your project directory then run:

$ npm install stream-log-stats --save


var connect = require('connect')
var morgan = require('morgan') // logging middleware
var http = require('http')
var logStats = require('stream-log-stats')

var app = connect()
app.use(morgan({ stream: logStats() }))

var server = http.createServer(app).listen(8000)

As a command-line app

From any directory run the following:

$ npm install -g stream-log-stats

Now the log-stats utility is installed. Pipe in a common-log-format log to view the statistics.


This example pipes the output from local-web-server into log-stats.

$ ws -f common | log-stats
serving at http://localhost:8000
Clients  Requests  Transferred
1        48        2.79 MB

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Resource                                                   Requests  Transferred
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© 2015-19 Lloyd Brookes <[email protected]>.

npm i stream-log-stats


  • MIT
  • >=8.0.0
  • Lloyd Brookes
  • released 11/7/2019

