
Use Vue components inside MDX files, as if they were React components.
storybook-addons organize documentation vue mdx

Storybook Addon Vue support for MDX

Use Vue components inside MDX files, as if they were React components.


This addon is in its early stages, the following limitations apply:

  • Only works with Vue 3 and Storybook 8 (for Storybook 7, use v0.1.5)
  • Components must be locally imported into MDX files
  • Provide/Inject has not been tested yet but should work
  • Customisation APIs may change in the future

There is also a known bug when running Storybook locally. Sometimes, the first page load of a MDX page with Vue components can crash because Storybook does not properly execute the code defined in beforeVueAppMount. This is probably due to how Storybook parses and runs the preview file, but the bug does not occur at all in production builds. You can work around this bug by refreshing the browser tab once, and it will successfully run on the second load.


yarn add -D storybook-addon-vue-mdx

In your .storybook/main.js file, add the following:

export default {
  addons: ['storybook-addon-vue-mdx'],


In a Sample.mdx file, import the component you need, and use it using Vue JSX syntax:

import MyComponent from 'path-to-components/MyComponent.vue'

<MyComponent>bla bla</MyComponent>

The Vue JSX syntax is documented by Vue. Pay particular attention to the syntax for passing slots.

Customising the Vue app context

This addon uses veaury to render Vue components in a React JSX context. In particular, the addon calls applyPureVueInReact. You may pass options to this function by defining globals in your .storybook/preview.js file, like so:

const globals = {
  vueMdx: {
    beforeVueAppMount(app) {

export default {

You may also directly import and use Veaury's applyVueInReact as per Veaury's own documentation.

Development scripts

  • yarn start runs babel in watch mode and starts Storybook
  • yarn build builds and packages the addon code
  • yarn pack:local makes a local tarball to be used as a NPM dependency elsewhere

Bug reports

Before reporting a bug, please thoroughly check Veaury's documentation and list of issues for matching issues.

To report a bug, please use GitHub issues on this repository, making sure to include a working Minimal Working Example. For instance, you could use to bootstrap a reproduction environment.

Migrating to a later Storybook version

If you want to migrate the addon to support the latest version of Storyboook, you can check out the addon migration guide.

npm i storybook-addon-vue-mdx


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Steve Dodier-Lazaro
  • released 9/26/2024

