
A small module for storing values in AWS S3
aws s3 storage byu


A small module for backing up values in AWS S3. Useful in the event of a server crash or just as a way to maintain state over time.

This module maintains an object called 'storage' locally and backs up each user-specified property of that object to S3. Each value of storage[object_name] in memory will have an associated object_name.json file in S3.

setup establishes S3 configuration and can initialize local values from S3.

getData returns value from memory.

setData updates a value in S3 and local memory.

refresh can update local memory from S3.



Initializes S3 bucket name and AWS region. Can get initial values from S3 for local memory.


  • bucket_name (string) - Required - Name of S3 bucket to use
  • object_names_to_get_on_setup (array of strings)
  • region (string) - AWS region, defaults to process.env.REGION, then us-west-2
const storage = require('storage-s3');
storage.setup('some-bucket-name', ['missions', 'logs']);

Returns a Promise upon successful setup.

In mocha testing setups, something like this might be common:

const storage = require('storage-s3');

describe('Main set of tests', function () {
  before(done => {
    /* Set up local test server */
    // Set up storage
    storage.setup('some-bucket-name', ['missions', 'logs'])
        .then(() => done());
  /* Some tests */


A synchronous function that returns a clone of storage[object_name] from local memory.


  • object_name (string) - Required
/* After already calling storage.setup() at some point */

const missions = storage.getData('missions');


An asynchronous function that updates object_name.json in S3, then updates storage[object_name] locally. Returns a promise.


  • updated_object (any type serializable to JSON) - Required - The value to save
  • object_name (string) - Required
/* After already calling storage.setup() at some point */

const missions = storage.getData('missions'); //Some array for example purposes
const some_new_value = {};

storage.setData(missions, 'missions')
    .then(() => console.log('Yay!'));


An asynchronous function that pulls from S3 and updates local memory. For each value in object_names, refresh will attempt to get object_name.json from the S3 bucket specified upon setup and then to update storage[object_name]. Returns a Promise.


  • object_names (array of strings) - Required
/* After already calling storage.setup() at some point */

storage.refresh(['missions', 'logs']);
npm i storage-s3

