
Scroll your very long sticky positioned sidebar
css sticky-position sticky-sidebar scroll

Sticky Scroller

Scroll your very long sticky positioned sidebar.

Screen recording

Why do we need JavaScript?

position: sticky is a very useful and interesting CSS3 feature. When scrolling page, navbar/header/sidebar can magically switch between static and fixed position. Usually, height of sticky element is smaller than viewport height. It means you do not need to scroll the content of sticky element.

However, when you have a sidebar with a long list and it is not able to show all content in viewport, position: sticky cannot help with this. When you scroll the page, sidebar content doesn't scroll.

You may come up with a quick solution:

sidebar {
  position: -webkit-sticky; /* Safari */
  position: sticky;
  top: 0;
  height: 100vh;
  overflow-y: auto;

Then you can scroll sidebar content, right?


Here are some disadvantages of above solution:

  1. You have two long scroll bars on the page and it is annoying.
  2. Scroll in a sticky/fixed element cause issues on all browsers, especially mobile browsers. You unexpectedly scroll the whole page instead of floating content sometimes.
  3. Users have to move mouse from one area to another area to scroll content. It is not a good user experience.
  4. Some users prefer to use keyboard to scroll page. They cannot scroll floating content with keyboard.

So how JavaScript can make a difference?

JavaScript syncronize scrolling of page and sticky sidebar.

  1. To avoid ugly multiple scroll bars, it forces overflow-y: hidden for floating container.
  2. Even with overflow-y: hidden, content can still be scrolled by JavaScript.
  3. When page is scrolled down / up, floating content will be scrolled in the same way.
  4. Since it listens to window, you can point mouse cursor anywhere on the page, or even use keyboard.
  5. Scrolling syncronization has the same behavior on all modern browsers. No unexpected scrolling conflicts anymore.

Download / Install

NPM + Webpack / Browserify

Install with NPM.

npm install sticky-scroller --save

Import with Webpack or Browserify.

// Old way
var StickyScroller = require("sticky-scroller");

// New way
import StickyScroller from "sticky-scroller";

Download and Link

Download latest release and unpack, you will need dist/sticky-scroller.js.

Link it in HTML.

<!-- Option 1: Vanilla JavaScript -->
<script src="path/to/sticky-scroller/dist/sticky-scroller.js"></script>

<!-- Option 2: use jQuery plugin (not recommended) -->
<script src="path/to/sticky-scroller/dist/sticky-scroller.jquery.js"></script>


AMD package is build for you if you prefer RequireJS.

<script src="path/to/sticky-scroller/dist/sticky-scroller.amd.js"></script>
requirejs(["StickyScroller"], function(StickyScroller) {
  // What ever you like


UMD module is placed at dist/sticky-scroller.umd.js


Change top and height (or max-height) to whatever you like. Make sure it is within viewport. You don't need overflow-y: hidden since it will be added by JavaScript.

.my-sidebar {
  position: -webkit-sticky; /* Safari */
  position: sticky;
  top: 0;
  height: 100vh;
const scroller = new StickyScroller(".my-sidebar");

If you prefer to use it with jQuery:



StickyScroller(element, options)

Constructor of main controller.

element string | HTMLElement

The sticky element. Use a selector string or HTMLElement object.

options Object

No option available now.


Copyright 2018 Guo Yunhe.


GNU General Public License version 3 or later.

npm i sticky-scroller


  • GPL-3.0
  • Whatever
  • Guo Yunhe
  • released 4/21/2019

