
Schema for ssb poll types, current and legacy

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Gives parsers and validators for all known schema versions of ssb-poll messages


As well as this being a useful module for scuttle polls, it's a spec for how to publish and version schema on ssb.

This module gives you parsers that will return a 'normalised' object, regardless of of the shape of the object to parse. The position and poll objects returned by the parsers are defined in ./schema.

A change in major version of this module means that there is a breaking change to the shape of the 'normalised' object. An example of a breaking change would be that a required property in the schema was removed.

A minor version change could be that a new property was added to a schema but that isn't a required field.


var { isPoll } = require('ssb-poll-schema')

var validPoll = {
  type: 'poll',
  version: 'v1',
  title: 'what is for dinner',
  body: 'this is really important, please let me know',
  closesAt: '2018-03-15T03:40:06.222Z',
  details: {
    type: 'chooseOne',
    choices: ['lasagne', 'avos', 'tacos']

console.log(isPoll(validPoll)) // => true



  • isPoll (NOTE this currently returns true / undefined - a side effect of depject)

  • isChooseOnePoll (also accessible under isPoll.chooseOne)

  • isPosition (NOTE this currently returns true / undefined - a side effect of depject)

  • isChooseOnePosition (also accessible under isPosition.chooseOne)


  • parsePoll,
  • parsePosition,

Parser Errors (useful for debugging)

  • getPollErrors,
  • getPositionErrors,

Returns something shaped like:

{ v1:
   [ { field: 'data.title',
       message: 'is required',
       value: [Object],
       type: 'object',
       schemaPath: [] },
     { field: 'data.details',
       message: 'is required',
       value: [Object],
       type: 'object',
       schemaPath: [] 

Version strings

Returns an object with version string constants useful for publishing messages.


Important note for mantainers of this module or if you add your own schema:

How / when should you modify schema and version numbers:

You have an existing schema but it's missing a constraint that must be added. You want existing messages to fail validation if they fail the new constraint.

  • Modify the schema by adding the constraint.
  • Don't change the schema version number.
  • Bump the patch version of this module.

You have an existing schema but it has a constraint that must be removed. You want existing messages that would have failed validation to be passed by this new schema.

  • Make a whole new schema + parsers with unique version number. e.g. copy the v1 folder to a new v2 folder and wire it up

You have an existing schema and want to add a new property that is optional (not required in the schema).

  • Modify the schema by adding the property.
  • Update the parser.
  • Don't change the schema version number.
  • Bump the patch version of this module.

Want to use your schema with this project?

There are two ways you can use your schema with this module.

Make your schema official

To contribute your schema:

  • Publish your schema as a node module
    • It must be a depject module. Check out ./v1/index.js for an example.
  • Add your module as a dependency in this module.
  • Modify index.js so that your module is passed to combine:
var sockets = combine([

Combine these schema with some of your own in another module

This module exports it's depject combinable schema as schema so you could do something like this in your own module:

var pollSchema = require('ssb-poll-schema')
var combine = require('depject')
var {first} = require('depject/apply')

var yourSchema = require('./your-schema')

var sockets = combine(pollSchema.concat(yourSchema)) 

var isPoll = first(sockets.poll.isPoll, 'poll.isPoll')

console.log(isPoll({})) // => undefined
npm i ssb-poll-schema


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Unknown
  • released 9/27/2018
