
Keep an index feed up-to-date with the content feed


A secret-stack plugin that uses ssb-meta-feeds to create and update index feeds.

Also contains a feed format indexed-v1 under ./format.js.



  • Requires Node.js 10 or higher
  • Requires ssb-db2 version 5.0 or higher
  • Requires ssb-meta-feeds
npm install --save ssb-index-feeds

Add this plugin like this:

 const sbot = SecretStack({ appKey: caps.shs })
+    .use(require('ssb-index-feeds'))
     // ...

Example usage

There is one primary API this plugin provides: start(). You pass it a ssb-ql-0 query and it will detect whether it needs to create an index feed for that query, or update an existing index feed.

sbot.indexFeeds.start({ author:, type: 'vote', private: false }, (err, index) => {
  console.log('The index feed is ' + index.subfeed)

From this point onwards, whenever the query gets more results (as the log gets appended), the index feed will be automatically written to.

To stop the index feed from being written to, use stop() with the same query input.


sbot.indexFeeds.start(query, cb) (async)

Begins updating an index feed for the given query

query must be an ssb-ql-0 query, either as stringified JSON or as an object.

The callback cb will be called right before the index feed would be written to. If there are no updates to be written on the index feed, this callback will anyway be called. The 1st argument is the possible error, and the 2nd argument is the "subfeed object" containing details on the index feed that matches the query. The subfeed object has the shape { feedpurpose, subfeed, keys, metadata }, the same shape as returned by ssb-meta-feeds APIs.

sbot.indexFeeds.doneOld(query, cb) (async)

Informs you when the index feed for the given query has processed the existing database

query must be an ssb-ql-0 query, either as stringified JSON or as an object.

The callback cb will be called as soon as the writing of the index feed has finished processing all "old" messages on the log. The callback is called with zero arguments.

sbot.indexFeeds.stop(query) (sync)

Cancels the updating of the index feed for the given query, if it had started

query must be an ssb-ql-0 query, either as stringified JSON or as an object.

Does not return anything as a response.


Some behaviors of this module can be configured by the user or by application code through the conventional ssb-config object. The possible options are listed below:

  indexFeeds: {
     * If `autostart` is defined as an array, it informs ssb-index-feeds to
     * automatically call `start()` with each of the array items, as soon as
     * this plugin is initialized.
     * The array items are just ssb-ql-0 objects, except without the `author`
     * property, because that one will always be implicitly equal to ``.
    autostart: [
      { type: 'vote', private: false },
      { type: 'post', private: false },
      { type: null, private: true },



npm i ssb-index-feeds


  • LGPL-3.0
  • Whatever
  • Andre 'Staltz' Medeiros
  • released 10/20/2022

