
git repos in secure-scuttlebutt
git secure-scuttlebutt pull-git-repo


Host git repos in secure-scuttlebutt


var ssbGit = require('ssb-git-repo')
var repoId = '%CBeVWA9eYt6OhJDXFtqas6kWb5LwaJxYtfwDazKvh4U=.sha256'

// get a single repo:
ssbGit.getRepo(sbot, repoId, function (err, repo) {
  if (err) throw err
  // do something with the repo


ssbGit.createRepo(sbot[, options], cb(err, repo))

Create a repo. Publishes a message announcing the new repo.

  • sbot: a scuttlebot or ssb-client object
  • options.upstream (ssbGit.Repo or MsgId): upstream repo (of which the new repo will be a fork)
  • (string): name to give the repo
  • keep the repo updated as changes are pushed to it
  • options.output: stream for logging stuff to
  • options.recps: feed ids to encrypt the repo to. Makes the repo private.
  • cb: function called when the repo is created
  • err: error creating the repo, if any
  • repo: ssbGit.Repo object for the new repo

ssbGit.getRepo(sbot, msgOrId[, options], cb(err, repo))

Get a repo.

  • sbot: a scuttlebot or ssb-client object
  • msgOrId: SSB message that started the repo, or the ID of it
  • keep the repo updated as changes are pushed to it
  • options.output: stream for logging stuff to
  • cb: function called when the repo is retrieved
  • err: error retrieving the repo, if any
  • repo: ssbGit.Repo object for the retrieved repo

ssbGit.repos(sbot, options): source(repo)

Get repos from the feed

  • sbot: a scuttlebot or ssb-client object
  • options: options to pass to sbot.createFeedStream
  • repo: ssbGit.Repo object


An abstract-pull-git-repo-compliant git repo object. Additional methods and properties:

repo.private: boolean

Whether the repo is private (true), or public (false)

repo.recps: [feedId...]?

Feed ids that have access to the repo if it is private.


Close the repo's update stream.

  • cb: function called when the repo's stream is closed
  • err: error closing the repo, if any

repo.getHead(cb(err, head))

Get the repo's HEAD, i.e. the "default branch" ref, e.g. `"refs/heads/master"

repo.hasObjectQuick(hash) : has

Check for the presence of a commit hash, with possible false negatives.

  • hash (sha1): the commit id to check
  • has (boolean): true if the commit is present

This will only show an object as present if it was pushed in ssb-git-repo

= v1.9.0.

repo.getLatestAvailableRev(ref, timeout, cb(err, rev, numSkipped))

Get the latest revision for a ref that can be rendered. Try to retrieve the latest revision for a ref, and after a timeout try to retrieve the next latest, etc.

  • ref (string): name of ref, branch or tag to look up
  • rev (sha1): id of the latest rev that is available
  • numSkipped (int): number of unavailable revs skipped


type: git-repo

{ type: 'git-repo' }

Creates a git repo. Note that you can actually push git objects to any message in your feed, but the git-repo type is here to declare that a message will be for a git repo. It may have properties added later.

type: git-update

  type: 'git-update',
  repo: MsgId,
  repoBranch: [ MsgId ]?,
  refsBranch: [ MsgId ]?,
  refs: { <ref>: String|null }?,
  packs: [ BlobLink ]?,
  indexes: [ BlobLink ]?,
  head: string?,
  commits: [ {
    sha1: String,
    title: String,
    body: String?,
    parents: [ String ]?,
  } ]?,
  tags: [ {
    sha1: String,
    object: String,
    type: String?,
    tag: String?,
  } ]?,
  commits_more: Number?,
  tags_more: Number?,
  num_objects: Number?,
  object_ids: [ String ]?,

Updates a repo. Published as a result of git push.

  • repo: id of a message (expected of type git-repo) identifying the repo
  • refsBranch: ids of latest concurrent previous git-update messages not already mentioned in repoBranch. Use to indicate causal order of updates to refs.
  • repoBranch: ids of latest git-update messages containing git objects that this message's packfile(s) depend on. Use for packfile construction during fetch.
  • refs: updates to the repo's refs. a map of ref names to git sha1 hashes. e.g. { 'refs/heads/master': commitId }
  • packs: links to git packfiles being added to the repo
  • indexes: links to index files for the packfiles in packs
  • head: value of the HEAD symref, i.e. the default branch, e.g. "refs/heads/master"
  • commits: array of info about commits that are included in packs
  • commits_more: number of commits included in packs but not in commits
  • tags: array of info about tags that are included in packs
    • tag.type: type of the git object pointed to by the tag, e.g. "commit"
    • tag.object: id of the git object pointed to by the tag
    • tag.tag: name of the tag
    • tag.sha1: id of the tag
  • tags_more: number of tags included in packs but not in tags
  • num_objects: number of objects included in packs
  • object_ids: sha1 hashes of git objects included in packs, other than commit ids mentioned in commits. If not all can be included in the array because of the message size limit, omit this property instead of truncating the array.


Copyright (c) 2016 Charles Lehner

Usage of the works is permitted provided that this instrument is retained with the works, so that any entity that uses the works is notified of this instrument.


npm i ssb-git-repo


  • Fair
  • Whatever
  • Charles Lehner
  • released 6/8/2017

