
Export your stock information from SPHERE.IO's inventory into CSV!
sphere sphereio stock export csv


Stock export


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This module allows to export stocks to CSV.

Getting started

$ npm install -g sphere-stock-export

# output help screen
$ stock-export


General command line options can be seen by simply executing the command node lib/run.

node lib/run

  Usage:     --projectKey <project-key> --clientId <client-id> --clientSecret <client-secret>


    --projectKey          your SPHERE.IO project-key                                  [required]
    --clientId            your OAuth client id for the SPHERE.IO API                  [required]
    --clientSecret        your OAuth client secret for the SPHERE.IO API              [required]
    --accessToken         alternative to clientId and clientSecret, you can provide an OAuth access token
    --sphereHost          SPHERE.IO API host to connect to
    --excludeEmptyStocks  when given, stocks with quantity = 0                        [default: false]
    --channelKey          the specific channel you want to export stocks for
    --queryString         query for stock entries. Can be used instead of or in combination with channel key for more flexibility
    --targetDir           the folder where exported files are saved                   [default: "/exports"]
    --useExportTmpDir     whether to use a system tmp folder to store exported files  [default: false]
    --logLevel            log level for file logging                                  [default: "info"]
    --logDir              directory to store logs                                     [default: "."]
    --logSilent           use console to print messages                               [default: false]

CSV Format

Stocks exported in CSV are stored in a single file



In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt. More info here


Releasing a new version is completely automated using the Grunt task grunt release.

grunt release // patch release
grunt release:minor // minor release
grunt release:major // major release


Copyright (c) 2015 SPHERE.IO Licensed under the MIT license.

npm i sphere-stock-export


  • Unknown
  • >= 0.10.0
  • Martin Möllmann
  • released 3/23/2017
